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In the familiar servants' room, stood a girl.

Her light green eyes focusing on a boy ahead of her. He appeared to be wearing a standard public Senior High uniform. On the table he stood in front of, sat a school bag.

It was telling he was prepared to leave.

His surprised dark colored eyes were no more as they shifted to calmness.

"Ah, Kaoru" He spoke first. "What a surprise"

As he did, his hands placed a neatly folded uniform on an available shelf.

His former working attire.

"Are you done being angry at me?" He took his bag and walked slightly closer to her.

Thus now they stood face to face.

She knew he was referring to their latest interaction.

Calling his excuse pathetic and storming out of the room, she did seem quite displeased at that time.

(Pointless chap reference)

Afterwards, she stopped seeing his figure pass by, resulting to no words between them for a week.

But now she has stolen the chance to speak with him. What is there for her to say?

"It's unusual for you to find He said. "If there's something you want me to do, I can't"

"I know that..." She internally responded. His sentence just implied his resignation. How he's no longer available for tasks.

"You know that, right?"

Ever since before, he often reads her mind well.

Once he begins speaking earlier, she slowly lowered her head. But her stern face never shifted.

Looking down at her, he assumed she had nothing to say.

Thus he decided to take something out of her. Something he has always enjoyed to see.

And to think this might be the last, he wasn't going to miss any chances.

"Don't miss me too much, okay?" With a straight face he boldly said.

Such a sentence that would easily trouble the shy girl.

And that's exactly what it did.

"As if!" She instantly lift her head, revealing the usual flustered expression.

"You think I'd be that bored to ever miss you?"

It was as if her insensitive words were automatic. She unreluctantly denied everything he said.

"I don't care if you're going to leave"

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I-I was just bored and coincidentally found you!"

It didn't even take much effort for them to return interacting like usual. Everything just happened reflexively.

An annoyed frown complemented the blushes on her face.

As it did, she exchanged stares with the boy in front of her. His dark green eyes calmly looking into hers.

Her frequent angry expression was the something he intended to see.

And thus as it brought a smile to his face, he accidentally troubled the girl even more.

"D-Don't smile at me, you pervert!" She randomly insulted.

"Pervert...?" Being called that, he blinked his eyes owlishly. Absolutely clueless he was of whatever made her say that.

It was highly unrelated after all.

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