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Note: Play the song whenever you like ^^ I just added it since this will be the 3/3 final chapters of this book ^^

"That was so fun! Who would've thought we were sisters in our past lives?"

"Mm, I verily agree"

"You two believe in that sketchy fortune teller? I think it's too coincidental to be true"

It was an ordinary afternoon, three high school girls were seen walking on the sidewalk whilst carrying their school bags. One of the bags had a baseball bat sticking out of it.

The uniform originated from the same source yet worn differently by each.

The girl on the left had neck length dark purplish hair, the front area slightly longer than the back. She was seen to ditch her school blazer and tie, merely wearing her short sleeved white buttoned shirt paired with checkered skirt. The girl who carried around a solid wooden bat.

The expression on her face doubtful as she recently denied a certain opinion.

On the right side was a proper young lady, light blonde hair nearing the color white tied into two braids. She wore the entire uniform set neatly, carrying her bag with both hands. Smiling calmly.

Her voice gentle and soothing, very polite choice of words.

"Don't be a bummer, Kaoru. At least just pretend it's true"

And last but not least, the girl in the middle. Long ginger locks reaching her back, tied neatly with a sweet red bow.

Her aura hyper and cheery, her school blazer forgetfully left at home hanging behind her bedroom door.

"It's hard to believe, I mean we were insanely rich too? Sounds like the fortune teller was just trying to bag more money by making up a luxurious story" the baseball bat girl, Kaoru continued to deny.

"Yeah, but what's the fun in rationalizing everything!" the red bow girl protested once more.

"Sigh, what a waste of good money..."

"It wasn't even that expensive!"

While the two childishly argued, the blonde girl with them cracked a nervous smile. Her full name, Miyako Gōtokuji

"A-Ah, Momoko-chan, look! Is that not the cafe you have been eager to visit?" being the frequent mediator of her little group, she managed to break up the fight again.

The name she called, Momoko Akatsutsumi, the cheery red bow girl who loves desserts and cafes. Also the reason why the girls are strolling in the first place.

Earlier after school ended, she insisted they visit an interesting cafe she discovered from the internet.

However on the way, they bumped into a fortune teller who claimed to be capable in telling past lives.

Thus how they ended up in that mild quarrel...

But hey, the arguing ended and luckily Momoko was easy to please. Noticing the establishment right ahead, her face lit up in delight.

"Wah! It sure is!" she heartily exclaimed. "Come on, girls! Let's go!"

With her two friends following behind, one smiling calmly while the other sighed, they now are entering a nice cafe.

A two story vintage building, balconies available for outside dining on the top floor. If put simply, the building seemed like a European aristocratic mansion.

Briefly observing it, neither of the two friends knew, it was indeed a cosplay restaurant they walked into.


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