❤️Hate | Brick❤️

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Final perspective chapter! I'll never bother you again after this ^^

Hang in there!

Somewhere in town, a young boy peacefully lived behind the door of a nice two-story home.

Every weekday morning, he'd partake in a perfectly balanced meal, prepared especially by his dear mother.

And every time he approaches her in the kitchen, she'd turn around and praise his independence with a proud smile.

His neat appearance, all ready to leave for another cheerful day at kindergarten.

Putting on his strap shoes, no dramatic scenarios occurred as he was enthusiastic to attend school.

Along with his mother, they happily sang along pass their peaceful neighborhood.

Reaching the colorful establishment eventually.

"Learn well, sweetie"

"I will, mama!"

Thus their ideal conversation before the mother left him at school.

"On time as always, very good" and of course, one of his teachers also praised.

Bringing a joyful smile upon his face.

"It's my duty as a student, miss!" he announced. "Besides, I'm always excited to learn"

His responsible demeanor despite being a toddler never fails to impress adults.

"Wow I'm very happy to hear that ^^"

As he walked inside the lively building, into the halls decked with colors and crafts, he greeted every kid and teacher spotted.

Until he finally reached his own class.

The Jungle Class.

Each homeroom has their own theme and is named after it, hence the funny name.

But accordingly with it, Jungle Class was coincidentally the loudest. The Ocean class being most tame...

Thus once he set foot inside, usual noises of children entered his ears. It did not remove his smiley face however.

He loved his classmates sincerely.

But you know what else he loves?

Airplanes! :DD

Sitting on the wooden toy shelf each class has, a shiny red one had his eyes sparkling in excitement.

One of the newly donated toys calling out. Thus the young lad reached for it, eager for a turn to play.

That is-


Until a swift movement was made in front of his eyes, freezing them for a moment.

"Sorry, dude"

Another kid's voice insincerely apologizing flinched his ears.

The voice being very boyish with a familiar smug tone.

Looking over, it was one of his dearest classmates.

Ah, I guess not so dearest.

The snatcher's face, the face of a little troublemaker. Fiery red eyes and a mischievous grin, his brows were furrowed as he raised the shiny toy high with one hand.

His ruffled hair covered with a backwards worn red baseball cap, bandages stuck on his nose bridge and right cheek covering the minor wounds he had.

His sharp fangs shown as he arrogantly gazed.

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