👑The Princesses👑

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Note: This is a revised chapter

Hakurei Private Junior High School.

A prestigious academy with an entrance test that matters not as much as its massive tuition fee.

The wrought iron gates have only been passed by the most privileged children.

A school attended by the children of people with wealth, the majority of them are rather materialistic.

Thus it seems rather impossible to have a special position in such a community.

Impossible indeed if they were all to be equally wealthy.

But not.

There seems to be a princess in this school.

Or shall I say,


"Aya, look!"

In the grounds of Hakurei, a student enthusiastically called a friend.

"It's the Arisugawa girls!"

The academy that grandly stood ahead of them, stepped out three striking female students.

Long orange hair and complimenting red bow.

Light blonde hair put in innocent twin tails.

And raven hair with prominent purple undertones.

Their bright colored eyes were incredibly captivating.

"They're as beautiful as ever" thus Aya's comment as her attention was captured.

"Yeah! And their life is just as beautiful"

The random student raised an index finger before gladly sharing "They're the richest of all in this school!"

"They live in a pretty mansion and has many private servants" she classified.

Gawking at those girls in awe, Aya smiled. "It's so fitting with their elegant demeanor"

"Everyone admires them"

"Our school princesses"

The three young ladies of the exceedingly wealthy Arisugawa mansion, obtained the throne as Hakurei's princesses.

"Be careful on your way home, Arisugawa-san" a random student approached the red bow princess.

The princess just smiled before responding

"You too, and about our upcoming presentation-"

"Oh! You don't have to" the student quickly cut her off. "We'll arrange the materials, all you have to do is help with presenting"

Hearing that, the princess blinked owlishly.

"But I have to work too, it's a group assignment" she nervously chuckled.

"It's all taken care of, no need to hassle" the student laughed it off as she flickered her hand, implying assurance.

"Just relax, Arisugawa-san. Bye bye!"

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