👑Piano Man👑

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Note: This is a revised chapter

"Congratulations, ladies. You have all passed the final exams of this semester"

A grand academy is where the girls pursued their Senior High education. After 2 years, they are finally sailing away from their 1st year. Thus next month, they will be in their 2nd.

It was in fact an All-Girls school. But despite that, it was just as prestigious and exceptionally expensive as Hakurei, their former affiliation.

Now they sat, eagerly listening to their homeroom teacher's sayings.

"We will begin a new school year by April and it's just around the corner. Ensure to maintain or perhaps improve your academic competence, especially being given you will all soon enroll in your 2nd year"

"Thus without you realizing, you will be just one step away from college entrance exams. So do prepare yourselves"

Today was the last of day of school and particularly their 1st year days. The girls were soon to approach a spring break.

But they'd be wrong to think this was all it is.

"This also where I will announce important news"

Certainly this wasn't just another morning assembly, apparently the teacher had something more to tell.

Not long after that opening, a note was written on the board. Turning around, the teacher glanced at her students whilst putting down a short white chalk.

Slight murmurs and quiet reactions of interest was heard the moment they realized what has been written.

"To begin the school year, each grade will hold an assigned performance to welcome the new attendees on their orientation day. Each class has a randomly selected representative"

"As for ours, we'll be giving a piano performance. And a draw has been made to decide one person as our pianist"

Thus now was beginning to become quite suspenseful.

"Now before I announce this lucky lady, I'd like to remind that we will not take any declines. The cards have officially been dealt"

As she was reaching the core of the announcement, the teacher swiftly turned around and stared deeply at the sight of the class, students sitting nervously.

The announcement their about to receive.

Moreover, the responsibility that lucky lady is about to carry. A little gift at the beginning of spring.

"The pianist will be..."

Something perhaps, she didn't expect to hear.

"Momoko Arisugawa"


"Congratulations, Momoko-chan. You have been appointed to perform piano for our class"

That day, they returned home earlier than usual. The school permitted all students to be dismissed being given the completed semester.

Spring break has commenced.

However, for our special little lady, Momoko had to shoulder the inevitable responsibility of perfecting her piano playing. All in pursuit of giving a great performance.

Now piano isn't something new to the girls, if anything, all private schools in town has piano as a compulsory course. Thus all attendees are expected to at least perform decently.

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