👑Sticky Note👑

525 15 17

Note: This is a revised chapter


A pair of blue ocean eyes scanned the area. Hands neatly folded on his lap as he stood straight. On the soft cushioned couch, he cluelessly watched as musicians kept passing by.


Suddenly, in the midst of his gawking, a number of papers came to shower him from head to toe.

Inevitably glancing at the papers that eventually reached his shoes, they were unsurprisingly musical sheets.

"Oops, sorry!"

And thus at the very moment, a concerned voice of a little girl was heard to approach. He watched as she scampered towards him and immediately kneeled down, collecting the dispersed papers.

"I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to bother you"

She spoke in a very fast pace, juggling both an apology and taking responsibility. Verily troubled she seemed.

"It just that, I was in a hurry and tripped and-"

Thus it was natural for her to fail in carrying her tasks gracefully. In the midst of her panicky apologies, she struggled in searching for the last sheet.

"Here you go"

But then, to her advantage, she looked up and was met with an angelic view.

Her worries lifted in a jiffy at the sight of the young lad she was guilty for. His features pure and soft, a sincere smile whilst handing out the searched paper.

"Don't worry about it, learn well in today's musical lesson, okay?"

As if his smile wasn't enough, his mouth just had to release a heartwarming note, setting fireworks to her little heart.

"A-Ah, I will..." Accepting the sheet, she blushed in awe.

Backing away a step. Followed by another. And in a blink of an eye, the little girl was set zooming off into the halls, squealing joyously.


Such pure reaction of a little girl in love, however the young lad didn't quite understand why she ran off that way. He was merely being kind.

That day at the grand music practice hall, an affiliation owned by a member of the wealthy Arisugawa family, a young servant sat nicely.

Although it wasn't new for him to provide escorting service, today's job however feels quite bland.

Itsuki was used to the productive procedures back at the mansion, cleaning and gardening, it's engaging and quite fun although tiresome (maid material...)

But now all he's left to do is sit and wait. Under the high ceiling above, yet again another luxurious establishment he was introduced to because of this job.

The wonderful practice hall, watching his surroundings, unable to predict this indefinite waiting.


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