Writer's Note

253 7 4

Congratulations, you've finally finished this horrible book ^^

How long did it take for you to finish? Scratch that, why did you bother to finish it anyway? ^^

I think the characters lack of chemistry and the entire plot feels rushed. But imagine if I took my time, one book three ships, this book would be longer than it already is!

I think there were unnecessary additional roles too like Antoine for instance. He's kinda useless to the story (very cringey too...).

(Btw I took down his arc for revision work. But honestly, I'm not sure if id ever re-upload 🤷🏻 meh, he's not important anyway..)

But despite how self-aware I am of how bad this book is, it was just something I made for fun 4 years ago. My days of writing cheesy and crazy long chapters have finally come to an end now ^^

Reading this meant you finished my story (or maybe just skipped a bunch of chaps just to randomly read this note), so thank you for letting me waste your time! :DDD

I won't be writing anymore after this, but I won't archive this book either. I'll keep it as an embarrassing yet memorable memory of my youth ^^

A memory open for anyone to see! :DDD

Yeah, anyway, bye bye!

And thank you again :DDDD

- kanatheshipper


a documentation of this book's making process or something

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a documentation of this book's making process or something...


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