👑White Chocolate🍫

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It's as if the previous chapter wasn't long enough T_T

Here you go, Boomubles valentine's and an extra of the ruffs perspective (That no one asked for).



The sound of the changing room door secured. A young lad in a Junior High uniform leaned against it as it closed.

His red pupils reflected a very familiar item rested within his grasp. A lovely box of chocolates, something he's frequently seen before.

Every February, on the local convenience store he often goes to, he'd inevitably lay eyes on a huge section of hearts and chocolates. Anywhere he went, the color of red and pink would imbue each area he passed.

A pretty looking box of treats, how many time had he seen female students from his school carry them around? How wonder-filed the atmosphere would be for them.

Just for them.

Certainly from his eyes, valentine's day never meant anything. Nothing more than a day of sappy romance. A day he never understood the excitement over.

But today,

"You're more than just a mansion helper to me, you're also my friend"

Something unexpected happened in his life.

Remembering something a young mistress with bright pink eyes and red bow told him just minutes ago. Remembering how she handed the gift that now stayed in his hands.

His clench of the neatly wrapped box weakened, he slowly brought it down.

Some kind of bashfulness he began to feel, he brought a hand to cover his mouth, the temperature of his face beginning to rise.

"Ugh.." Blushing profusely.

"She said she gave this to every other worker here, right?" He thought "Is this like some kind of employee benefit?"

The circumstance of such things, he couldn't help but remember. Business it was supposed to be. But glancing down at the gift he had, he couldn't seem to view it as nothing much.

"A special gift for my special butler"

Her voice echoing in his mind, recalling that line, he just feels like melting into a pot of mush, groaning frustratedly.

Oh, how the magic of valentine's day finally got to him.

"Special butler, huh...."

Thinking of this all, a piece of unforgettable memory passed in his mind.

"But we're only here for the job, nothing else!"

The first day they met.

How stubborn he sounded. Not even the slightest bit of enthusiasm he had for serving at a private mansion.

But now, he leaned his head back on the door, a box of chocolates beside him, he was all bashful like a fool.

"A special gift for her special butler. She gave something to me on valentine's day..."

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