👑A Favor👑

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Behind the doors of a cold and grim bedroom, the youngest master of the Kobayashi residence sat across a mirror.

A reflection he was met with, an image no one ever assumed he'd even try to display.

A desperate smile he was pursuing.

His two fingers held the corners of his mouth, stretching it to constrain a cheerful expression.

Exerting an awkward chuckle along the way.




"Argh! This is pointless!"

Ah, but it seems his tired eyes and discontenting expression just is far too detectable to deny. How badly his tries have been going, he couldn't help but explode in frustration.

Slumping back on his chair, he clicked his tongue numerous times, grumbling incoherently.

In the midst of his silent complaints, he finally uttered

"If I can't even smile, how am I supposed to make a good impression...?"

2 unfortunate hours it has been. Taiga Kobayashi surreptitiously practicing a kind smile within realms of his personal territory. Some kind of training he was undergoing, who would've thought such a simple expression could be so challenging?

Then again, this all boils down to his ambitious intent regarding the forthcoming soiree. A shining chance he sees of reuniting with someone he's been wondering about for 2 years.

A girl he admires.

During their first meeting, he screwed up badly. Thus now he's investing in every second available to prepare for his very best.



A depressing sight was all there left to see, groaning in anguish with nothing but pessimism surrounding him. His clasped hand raised for him to lean his forehead on, deflated he certainly appeared.

Smiling represents friendliness. It lightens up the room and brings the atmosphere at ease. It'll be much preferrable to engage in conversation if it is began with a smile.

After all, a smile says more than some words.

But even just the first step he's unable to master.

"If I don't smile at her, how?"

At this point the poor lad didn't know what to do.

"If I end up acting like the way I did before..."

Glancing at the mirror once more, an irritably miserable face was the last thing he wanted to see. But all at the same time, it was the only thing there is.

Some kind trial he now faced, imagining if anything goes wrong.

"I'd return home with nothing but regrets"


"M-Master Taiga, where are you heading?"

Pass the halls he stormed and towards the main entrance of his home, a maid carefully asked his intentions. And with shameless arrogance, he went pass her to exit, disregarding her existence.

Out the door and onto the vehicle he requested just awhile ago, he had an attendant open the door for him.

"Go to the town next door and stop by all the bookstores there. All the other stores here suck" The young master brusquely asserted, glaring at the outside view he laid eyes on through the window.

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