👑The Butlers👑

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Note: This is a revised chapter

"Man, this feels like a long journey!"

A complaint escaped the lips of a rowdy looking boy.

On the asphalt of a certain neighbourhood, walked three male students.

Each house they passed were grand with scintillating name plates attached on their entrance gates.

"I never knew our town had such a housing area..." one of them with blonde hair said.

His dark blue eyes confusedly eyeing his surroundings.

"I guess those girls really are rich..."

Those students were in fact the ruffs.

On their way to an address they were given yesterday.

"Imagine walking all the way here, everyday..." Brick has been complaining throughout their journey and has yet to refrain.

"Gah! The things I do for money!" having his hands ruff his red hair, a groan of frustration was made.

"Shut up, Brick! You're gonna disturb other residents!" the blonde, Boomer put an index finger near his mouth whilst reprimanding.

"Hah? I wasn't even that loud" Brick lazily moved his pupils at his worried brother.

"I shout louder back in our neighbourhood and always get away with it" he then brought his hands behind his head, speaking calmly.

Boomer just grumbled at his apathetic personality.

It seems the red head just wouldn't take him seriously.

"You gotta tone down that rowdiness of yours, Brick" fortunately, he had someone to side with him.

"That's unacceptable behaviour for a servant"

A pair of dark green eyes looked away from a piece of paper and shifted onto the rowdy red head.

"Unless you wanna get fired" Butch directly warned.

Being met with his cold stare, Brick just clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Tch, fine..." he forcefully agreed before looking away.

Another massive establishment now stood right ahead of them. A wide pavement path led to it's tall iron wrought gates.

A nice fountain was seen inside its grounds.

"Is that it?" Boomer asked, taking a peek at the note in Butch's hand.

Thus the black haired boy glanced at the grand place upfront.

A surname was written on it's plate.

"I think it is"


"Boys! Welcome!"

As soon as they were guided by the caretaker, the front door was opened to reveal the three girls from yesterday.

And like how it began, the girl with the red bow was the enthusiastic spokesperson.

"We've been expecting you" she brightly grinned.

Viewing them confused the boys a bit.

Although the girls were who offered them the job, they were expecting to be discussing this further with someone else.

Their parents, perhaps.

"Just who exactly is in charge here..."  they equally thought.

It was odd to think of. Three female students running an incredible household independently.

"My sisters and I have decided to schedule you on weekdays" Blossom began. "Weekends are your day off"

"Considering today is Saturday, let's just say it's a brief orientation"

A small group of random maids and butlers were seen standing beside her.

"Thus I've assigned some experienced workers to assist you" she pointed at them with an open hand.

"They will also be the ones giving you uniforms and tasks"

The workers she referred to stood well, a neutral expression across their faces.

"Though perhaps, my sisters and I will be asking for some services as well"

A fancy case clock was placed in the mansion's entrance area they stood in.

"Your shift is 2 hours" Blossom carried on, raising two fingers. "From 3 to 5PM"

"But since today is just an orientation"

One of her fingers then were put down.

"It will be only an hour"

With all of that said, the pink eyed girl brought her hands to the back, clasping each other.

"I believe that is all, more questions could be asked to other mansion employees"

The boys who has been carefully listening to her fluent explanations just nodded.

Confirming their understanding.

Being given that, a supportive smile formed on Blossom's face.

"Let the first day commence!"

To be continued

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