👑New Friends?👑

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Note: This is a revised chapter

The week of their Father's announcement has reached the end, thus the boys are on their day off.

And the girls decided to take a nice morning stroll to start the weekend...

"Where will we shop next week?"

On the shopping district near their home is where they walked.

Three young ladies with a butler and maid in company.

The striking sight captivated people as they gasped in awe.

As the girls were having a nice walk, they decided to discuss about their soon future shopping adventure.

"What about the boutique Mother always takes us to?" Kaoru plainly suggested.

Unfortunately her idea gave a sour expression across Momoko's face.

"Can we at least try a different store this time?" she pouted. "Mother never takes us anywhere else"

"Mm, I agree!" Miyako tagged along.

Raising an index finger, an explanation was plotted.

"Mother said we will be shopping without her, thus we will have the chance to select a different shop"

Not long after, her baby blue eyes sparkled liked stars as she clasped her hands, implying a cute plead.

"Can we please visit the newly opened  boutique?"

"I have recently discovered a brand new establishment at the mall!"

Apparently she also had an idea in mind.

Her sisters just looked at her with a straight face.

"I was thinking about Mother's favorite store" Momoko revealed. "The one she always goes to but never takes us"

Oh my, it seems the girls all have individual ideas of shops in mind.

Like any other sisters, the situation was becoming slight intense for neither of them wish to give up on their opinion.

(They fight sometimes, alright...)

Fortunately a pair of servants were present to prevent further conflicts.

"Miss, may I propose a solution?" the maid asked.

Thus the girls all looked at her.

"Would you like to be escorted by different servants during the event?"

"That way, you are able to visit distinguished stores"

Hearing that, the girls thought of it as good idea.

"I didn't think of that since we'd most likely travel together a lot" Momoko murmured, her eyes looking upward.

"But that will do!"

With the idea warmly accepted, the maid showed a flowery smile of relief.


Suddenly the fresh scent of baked goods swirled around the girls.

It occurred as soon as a particular door was open, triggering the bell above it to jingle.

Although they all smelled it, Momoko was by far the most affected.

"Haah, the smell of bread~" she dreamily sighed, clasped hands brought near her cheek.

"Would you like some, miss?" the maid asked.

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