🛍Part 2👑

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Note: This is a revised chapter

"Umm, I believe it should be near..."

At some area of the mall, a young lady was seen tilting a magazine in her hands. She eyed it like a map as she took little steps.

Behind her was a young servant.

His dirty blonde hair was in need of a comb while his dark blue eyes showed major exhaustion. He weakly trailed behind her, catching his breath.

"We've walked for 30 minutes, already..." He internally said. "Just where the heck is that shop?"

The poor boy then recalled the traumatizing amounts of escalators they went on.

Going up, down. Back and forth.

The young lady he was escorting was rather springy, it was difficult to keep up. Who would've thought escorting duty could be so tiresome.

"How is she not tired?" He sweat dropped noticing the young lady's well state.

The energetic lady being Miyako Arisugawa.

"Miyako-san, may I see?"

Thus unable to imagine how much longer this search will go on, he had to offer his aid.

Accepting the magazine from her, he took one look at it and raised a brow. "Wait, so it's this shop?" He asked. "Isn't it over there?"

His face perplexed whilst instinctively glancing at a recognizable direction, his gaze followed after by the young mistress, thus both laid eyes on the same outlet.

A small store not so far away, a location he's quietly been noticing during their previously exasperating lookout.

A place that immediately pulled a bright smile on Miyako's face, the curiosity in her eyes averted to sparkle in pure delight. An excited gasp escaping her lips as she gleefully confirmed "It certainly is!"

Indeed a hearty confirmation that secretly pervaded mixed feelings within Itsuki's perspective.

From a distance whilst the young lady indulged in the captivating sight of the store's exterior, cold wind passed Itsuki as he squint his eyes disappointedly.

"So this is it....?" A question rolled in mind. "We searched all over the place just to visit a store that has been here all along?"

Half of him felt relief to realize how there was no need for them to continue their insufferable quest. Then again, the other half felt like raging considering how wasted this all resulted.

If only Miyako just entrusted the magazine to him, perhaps they'd be here long ago. Perhaps they'd be done shopping by now.

Collapsing on all fours was what he felt like doing. The only thing he felt like doing.

But of course that isn't possible. This is his duty. Something he must endure.

Besides what has done has been done.

All that matters is now they're here, I suppose...

"Do you hear that, Itsuki?" Miyako held her ear whilst breaking the brief silence. "I could hear the beautiful gowns calling for us"

"Let us go!~"

And so with her happily marching in, the eccentric store Dollhouse accepted two particular guests that day. Pass the door, a sparkly scene of what it appears to be a young princess and her amateur butler came stumbling in.

The name grandly presented outside promised an exact embodiment of what it proclaims to be. It intricately resembled a feminine dollhouse with certain sections of the store portraying different house locations. One part depicted a bedroom, the other a kitchen, and even a bathroom (?).

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