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In the room of Miyako Arisugawa, where she chose to embroider to kill time.

It was a peaceful weekend for her. Another calm Saturday. The sky outside was as clear as ever despite yesterday's heavy rain.

"Why would I ever speak about my feelings to you!"

On the square fabric she used, a pattern was already formed. Staring deeply at it, it formed a boy. He had blonde hair and freckles.

Her gaze eventually shifted into a slightly saddened one as her lips pouted like a child.

"Octi" She then lift her head, facing a purple octopus plushie sat on her desk. "What should I do?" A whine was made as her eyes teared up dramatically.

The clouds in the sky from outside of her room moved gently.

"I miss talking to him..." She continued on her craft, perfecting the pattern.

"It's been days"

A certain event occurred at the mansion garden days ago. And ever since then, she often hid herself from a certain someone, avoiding encounters.

It's been a week now.

Her embroidery has now finished. Thus a handkerchief was created. A handkerchief with the face of a blonde boy at the corner below.

It was indeed the boy she has been avoiding.

"Waah! I miss Itsuki!" She sobbed childishly.

Although she was the one who decided to distance from him, she couldn't help but feel frustrated.

That event did annoy her, that could be the reason of her distancing.

But not even an hour lasted of her anger that day.

"How could I face him after all of that?" She desperately asked her lifeless purple friend.

"I never scolded him before..."


"Octi, what if he resents me!!!!" She bursted into tears of remorse.

Thus the actual reason behind her distancing.

"What's that? I should just talk to him?"

Her hand went behind her plushie and moved his head, making it seem as if he's nodding.

In reality, she was making recommendations to herself. But to her, she was communicating.

(crazy girl...)

"Mmh..." She groaned weakly.

Moving her head to look out the window, she ended up watching a clip of the clouds moving in the sky.

"Should I really?"

Her blue eyes then shifted onto the craft on her lap. More precisely, the embroidery of Itsuki.

"Why do I feel like my time with him is now very little?"

Though that random question haunted her for awhile, she tried to brush it off.

At Your Service {The Princess and The Butler}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin