Turn Back Time *H.MM x P.JM* Final Part

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"Jimin, it's about time you woke up," said Yoongi. "Come on, let's get going." Yoongi was about to turn, but saw the look on Jimin's face. "Jimin..."

"Please tell me, tell me one thing," he begged his member. "Please tell me that Momo isn't gone." Yoongi looked at him confused, as Jimin started to cry. "Please my heart can't take it if she is gone again. I cannot lose her, please Yoongi-hyung. Lie to me if you have too, but tell me that Momo isn't gone." He went to Yoongi begging him, as Yoongi was concern for her friend.

"Jimin, I don't know what cause you to act like this, but Momo is fine. If this is your way on getting out of your own wedding..." Jimin looked at him with wide eyes. Wedding?! He was marrying the woman he is madly in love with.

"I'm getting married?!" Like this is the first time he heard about this. Yoongi checked Jimin's forehead rose make sure he wasn't getting sick.

"You aren't warm. Yeah you are getting marry today like in seven hours!" Jimin had a huge smile on his face and wiping the tears.

"I did it..." he whispered to himself. He was able to turn back time where he didn't leave her and she die. The gods must have let him have another chance and now everything is falling perfectly in piece. "Well what are we waiting for, it's time for me to get married to my Momo." Jimin left his room to go and take a shower, as Yoongi sighed.

"I swear that boy."
Jimin was now waiting at the alter to marry his Momo. Everyone was sitting in the church, as the door opened to reveal his bride. Jimin had a huge smile on his face, as the bride walked closer to him. Jimin's smile faltering on his face, as his bride's face was reveal. It was not Momo, but someone else. Jimin looked around to see what was going on, as the bride got up to him.

"You are not Momo," he said, stepping away. "Where is my Momo?" Jungkook was next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Jimin-hyung, Momo has been dead for a year. You are married Mina-noona." Jimin shook his head, as he looked at Jungkook.

"No, Yoongi-hyung told me that Momo is fine!"

"You told me to lie to you." Jimin was freaking out, as he realized he didn't back turn at all. Momo is still dead and now he was marrying her good friend.

"No! I only love Momo and want to marry her!" Jimin covered his ears to block out everyone telling him that Momo is dead. Jimin took off running from the alter, searching for Momo. "No, she isn't dead! We made up and she is still here!" He kept running to find her, as he went through a door. He looked to see himself, kneeling in front of Momo's picture...the day he went to say his final goodbye to her. Jimin fell to his knees, as he did not want to relive this moment again.

"No! This is a nightmare! Wake up Jimin!" He told himself, as he slapped himself a few times. "Please let me wake up! I was my Momo in my arms. I want her alive next to me! I want her to be my wife! I don't want her to be dead! Please, give me the chance. I'm sorry I ever think of leaving my love!" He let out a scream of pain, as everything was going black for him.
"Minnie! Wake up!" He felt someone shaking him, as he shot up from his spot. He was breathing so hard, as he looked around to see he was in his bedroom. He turned and let out a cry. Momo was sitting next to him in bed, looking worried. "Jimin, it's all right, just breathe." Jimin pulled Momo into his arms and cried. She rubbed his back to calm him down and spoke in a soft voice to breathe. After a few minutes, Jimin calmed down. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Jimin spilled everything that happen in his nightmare, from when he broke up with her, to her funeral, back to where they were together, to him marrying someone that wasn't Momo and she was still dead. He had to cry a few times, while Momo sat there and listen.

"It felt so real," he said, as Momo cuddled closer to him.

"Hey, I'm here. I have beaten my illness and look," she moved his hand to show a ring. "We have been married for three years. Remind me, no more sushi for your before bed." Jimin kissed Momo on the forehead, as their bedroom door slowly opened.

"Eomma...Appa...I had nightmare," cried their two year old son, Taehyun. He was holding a stuffed bunny he got from Jungkook when he was born. "Sleep together?" He walked to the edge of the bed and tried to climbed up but too short. Jimin leaned over and picked up his son and held him in his arms.

"Yeah no more sushi for the two of you," Momo said, as Jimin let out a chuckle.

"What to tell Appa and Eomma your nightmare?"

"Eomma sleeping and Appa was sad. Taehyun was sad too. A lot of flowers and a pretty picture is Eomma..." he went on to describe it, as Jimin looked over to Momo. Their son had similar dream of Momo's funeral. "Eomma won't wake up no matter how I yell and cry." Momo took Taehyun in her arms and kissed his forehead.

"Eomma is not going anymore. Eomma is going to be here for a long long time," she told her son and looked at Jimin. "I'm not going to leave the three of you."

On cue, the baby monitor went off, as Jimin got out of bed. He left the room for a few minutes and came back with their youngest son, Jisung. The family of four were cuddling in bed, as the two children felt asleep in their parents' arms.

"I love you Jimin," said Momo, leaning over and placing a kiss on his lips. "I'm here."

"I love you too Momo." Jisung moved in his father's arms but stay asleep. The baby listened to his father's heartbeat, while Taehyun snuggled with Momo, sucking his thumb for comfort. Jimin looked up to the ceiling and smile. It was just a nightmare and now he knows sushi is off the menu in the Parks household. He felt Momo's fingers running through his hair, as he closed his eyes.

"I will be here when you wake up tomorrow, after the day after, and after that," she whispered to him. "You can get rid of my that easier."

"Never would get rid of you."
Jimin: Happy ending?! Yay!!!! I like you again, author-nim!
Can't have you pouting in the corner anymore. RM threatened me to do a happy ending or he would banned me from any concerts....like I could go.
Jimin: -eye smile- thank you!!! I knew you didn't hate me!
I never have, just love teasing you.

Two more parts...
Please comment and vote. See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie

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