Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday *H.MM x L.FL*

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Celebrating this special time we share. Happiness 'cause love is in the air - N'Sync - Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday

"Come on Felix," said Momo, pulling him along with her to her family's home in Japan. Her family has invited Felix to join them for Christmas. He was nervous as hell because it is going to be the first time he is meeting his girlfriend's family. She is the baby of the family and they are going to be protect over her. Felix was going to bail on her, but he couldn't as she beg him with her pouty face and gave him a ton of hugs and kisses.

"Momo slow down," he told her, as they made it to the front door with their luggage. "Are you sure they are fine with me staying here? I could always get a hotel and..." Momo kissed him on the lips to shut up, as he returned the kiss.

"Lix, they are going to love you. Sure it only took two years of us dating for us to come out there to see them," Momo told him, "but we are there now. It's not like we got married without telling them."

"No but we did get engaged without me asking for their blessing," he pointed out to her, as she had her engagement ring on. "I don't want your parents to hate me." Momo stroke his cheek with her hand and smile at him.

"They are not going to hate you. Believe me as long as you continue to treat me well like you always have they will be okay," Momo told him, giving him a quick kiss. She rang the doorbell, as her mother answer the door.

"My little Momo," she said, hugging Momo. Her mother turn to look at Felix. "Oh this must be Felix. Oh Momo you pick out quite a handsome one."

"Hello there," he was going to shake her hand, as her mother pulled him into a hug. Felix was stunned at first, but then recover and return the hug.

"Our family gives hugs." Momo's mother let him go. "Come on inside, your father is waiting."
"Felix it is finally nice to meet you," Momo's father spoke, giving him a hug.

"It's nice to finally meet you sir," he said, as Momo smiled at Felix. "I do apologize we didn't meet sooner."

"It's quite all right, my little Momo updates me all the time." Felix smiled, as Momo took his hand. "Please sit down and let's us talk." They did so, as her father asked Felix a lot of questions. He answered them all, as he was nervous. He really want her parents to like him. Momo patted his hand to let him know he is doing great.

"How long has you been with my little Momo?"

"Two years sir," he said. "And they have been wonderful." Momo nodded, as her mother came into the living room.

"Dinner is ready," her mother called out, as everyone went to eat.
"Mother, father, we do have something to tell you," Momo spoke up, taking a hold of Felix's hand. Felix was shaking as this was a big moment to tell them. "Felix and I are engaged." Everyone was silence for a minute, which got Felix really nervous.

"Oh my little Momo is getting married," said her mother, as her father smiled.

"I'm happy for you Momo and Felix," her father said. "I wish you told us sooner, but we are happy." Felix was able to breath, as they gave their blessing to get married. "When is the wedding?"

"Next year we decide. Momo and I talk about it and we do want the wedding to be here in Japan," Felix stayed, looking over to Momo. "She told me about how her grandparents are having difficulties traveling. I spoke with my parents and they are fine with my family traveling for the wedding."

"Thank you," her mother said. Momo gave Felix a kiss on his cheek and smile.

"Isn't he the best?"

"As long he treats my little Momo well," her father said. "She is my youngest and she deserves the best."

"And I will give her everything. You have my word, I will treat her like a princess," said Felix, smiling at her father.

"Come now, lets finish dinner. I want to have a closer look of that ring."
Felix was on the balcony watching the snow falling, as they were staying in Momo's room. Momo came out and back hugged him. Felix smiled, as he pulled her in front of him to hug her.

"I told you my parents will love you," she stated, burying herself in his arms.

"Still they could have said no and I would be sleeping on the streets," he replied, as she giggled. " Okay I would have gotten a hotel but still."

"Lixie..." she whispered to him to focus on her. "I would not let them do that to you. I would still married you even if they said no." She moved and placed her hands on his cheeks. "I love you so much and I know you are the one for me. You have treated me with nothing but kindness and respect. You were the missing piece I have been waiting for."

"I love you too. You never made fun of my freckles. In fact you love them and always counting them. You made me feel at home in Korea, when I missed home. You are caring, sweet, and funny. You are the one for me." They both shared a kiss and looked up at the snow coming down. "This is the best Christmas I had in a long time. I get to spend it with my fiancé but next year will be better as I will get to spend it with my wife:" Momo giggled at him, as she pulled him into a kiss.

"You are the greatest," she said to him, as she rubbed her hands on his stomach.

"And we are not going to do it here," he said, as Momo pouted. "This is your parents home and I don't want them to walk in on us with me inside you or something." Momo giggled at him and kissed him. "I'm serious Momo."

"Felix, we wouldn't do anything like that here. Save it when we get home," she winked at him. "Come on let's get some sleep. Christmas' Eve is tomorrow and we are going to be busy."

"Yes my Princess." They went inside to warm up and sat on the bed. Felix grabbed something from his bag and gave it to her. "I know Christmas is two days but this is a make up gift from our anniversary."

"Felix, you didn't have to," said Momo, as he gave her a gift. She opened the gift and gasped, as it was a ruby heart necklace she wanted. Felix took it out and placed it on her neck. He placed a kiss on her neck. "It's so beautiful." Felix hugged her from behind, as she rest her head.

"Anything for you Princess, I love you."

"I love you too. We are going to get married and our families are fine with us. This is a great Christmas," Momo said, as Felix hummed in response. "We just need a baby and we are set."

"Please don't tell me you are pregnant. My heart can't take anymore surprise."

"No, but soon. We can have a little Felix running around."

"Or a little Momo, but now let's focus on the wedding. Let's get some sleep. Your father wants to take me out tomorrow."
Merry Christmas!!!! I hope everyone has a good Christmas! I wrote a Felix on because it's my little cousin bias.

Now for the votes:
Jeonghan: 8
Jimin: 8
Minghao: 2
Yoongi: 1
Jaehyun: 1
Ten: 1 (must be a pity vote Ten: Hey!!!)
Taeyong: +100000000
Jisung: nope not legal yet.
Hoshi: zero
Jungkook: zero
Baekhyun: -100000 (Baekhyun: Why????)

Keep on voting. If you have friends, sisters, brothers, parents who wants to vote let me know in the comments and I will take their votes. We have a few more parts before we find out who gets 175.

See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie

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