8th World Wonder *H.MM x B.BH*

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The way you kiss me crazy. Baby you're so amazing - Kimberly Locke - 8th World Wonder

"Thanks for walking me home," said Momo to her newly boyfriend, Baekhyun. "You didn't have to." She turned to look at him, as he gave her a smile.

"But I wanted to. I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if you walk alone." Momo smiled at him, as she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you," she told him, as she unlocked her apartment. "You can come in if you have the time." Baekhyun shook his head at her but still had a smile on his face.

"Not on the first date." Momo blushed, as she felt embarrassed. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Moguri. It's just a bit too soon right now. I don't want your friends to get the wrong idea of me."

"Oh no," Momo shook her head at him. "They know you aren't that kind of person." Baekhyun laughed, as she blushed again. "You are kind, sweet, handsome..." He gave her a smirk, as she covered her mouth. "I mean..."

"Momo, relax it's all right," he told her. "But you are cute when you blush." He gave her a kiss on her rosy cheek and smile. "I will text you later. Have a good night." He walked away and left out of Momo's sight. Momo placed her hands on her chest where her heart is beating fast. This was her first boyfriend and really want to be the best girlfriend to him. She went in her apartment with a smile on her face.
"Hello there," Momo heard a voice, as she looked up from her book she was reading to see Baekhyun. "How are you today?"

"I'm doing great, now that I have seen you," she mumbled the last part, as Baekhyun laughed. She blushed a bit and hid her face in the book.

"I told you already you don't have to be embarrassed around me," he said, sitting next to her at the table. He moved the book away from her face and smiled. "Why are you having lunch alone?"

"Chaeyoung is out sick and Sana has a late lunch today," she answered. "I don't mind having lunch alone." Baekhyun didn't like her answer, as he slipped his hand into hers.

"Come on, you can have lunch with me and my friends," he said, as Momo got nervous.

"Is it all right? I don't want to..." Baekhyun stood up and gave her a smile, while giving her hand a squeeze.

"You aren't going to interrupt anything that's for sure. Get your bag, Moguri." She put her book in her bag, grabbed it and stood up. Baekhyun and her started to walk towards his friends, as Momo felt her cheeks burning. She doesn't want to embarrass herself in front of his friends. She kept her head down, as they got to his table.

"Hey guys, my girlfriend is going to be joining us today," he told his friends, while giving them a look stating not to say and do anything to make Momo feel uncomfortable or I will kill you.

"That's cool," said Chanyeol, as Momo looked up at his friends. "It's so nice to see you again:" Momo gave them a smile and nodded.

"Yes..." she said, as Baekhyun helped her in her seat. He took the seat next to her and looked at his friends. She watched Baekhyun interacting with his friends with ease, as Momo thought to herself, how she is. She is usually shy and only have two friends, Sana and Chaeyoung. She knows Baekhyun knew after the campus, as he is a social butterfly. Sometimes she wonder why he pick her. She is happy and want to be the best girlfriend, but she is so different.

She felt Baekhyun giving her hand a squeeze, as she looked over at him. "You all right? You seem in deep thoughts."

"Sorry, I was just thinking about my upcoming dance competition," she told him; "I was remembering the steps in my head." Momo closed her eyes for a moment, scolding herself saying something uncool.

"Just relax, you got this. You can do the competition in your sleep if you have to."

"I'm such an idiot," mumbled Momo, as she was lying in bed sick as a dog. She knew she should have brought her umbrella yesterday, but no. She got stuck walking in the rain and now she was sick. She also has a date with Baekhyun, but now she is going to have to cancel. She was about to pick up her phone to call him, when it rang. She looked and saw it was Baekhyun. She answered the phone, trying not to sound weak.

"Hello..." and she failed at it.

"Moguri, you don't sound well." Great, now she got him worry.

"I'm all right, just a sore throat no problem." Then she started to cough hard. "Really...I'm fine."

"No you don't sound good. I will be right over with some medicine and soup. I have to take care of my girlfriend." Momo tried to talk him out of it, but he already hung up. She groaned, as she stared at the ceiling. She didn't want to be a pain to him.

Soon there were knocking at the door, as Momo got out of bed. She nearly crashed to the ground, if she didn't grabbed onto her bed. She slowly moved to the door and opened it to reveal a worried Baekhyun with his hands fulled. She let him in, as he went to the kitchen and put everything on the counter.

"Come on, let's get you back to bed," he said, ushering her to bed. He check her forehead and she did have a fever. "I will get a cool rag and some medicine for you." He let the room and came back with a few items. He placed the rag on her forehead and made her take some medicine. "You just rest. I have to make the soup." Momo couldn't get a word in, as he hurried off to the kitchen. Momo just rest against the pillow and was asleep before she knew it.

The next time Momo woke up was to Baekhyun, shaking her awake.

"The soup is ready," he told her, removing the rag and help her to sit up. He fed her the soup, as she gave him a weak smile.

"You really didn't have to do this for me."

"I want to because you are my girlfriend. I have to take care of you and keep you happy." He took her hand and smile. "I know it's hard for you as I'm your first boyfriend." Momo looked at him with surprise, as he chuckled.

"Was it that obvious?"

"Yeah and plus your friends told me too." Momo sighed, as her cheeks were red. "But it doesn't matter. I will be a great boyfriend to you. You already have been wonderful to me. My friends loves you, how shy you are to me. And I love it too." He was leaning in to kiss her, but Momo put her hands out to stop him.

"No I'm sick, I don't want you to get what I have." He pushed her hands away and smile at her.

"It's okay. If I do get sick, I know you will take care of me, right." Momo nodded, as he leaned in and kissed her. Momo returned the kiss back, as he pulled her close to him. Just a minute of kissing, Momo broke away to have a coughing fit. "All right, lay back down." She did, as he join her in her bed and held her close. "Get some sleep. I will be here when you wake up."

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 1 (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ