All I Have To Give *H.MM x K.SY*

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"I wish I could give the world to you. But love is all I have to give." - Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give


"I can do it," said Hoshi, holding some flowers in his hands. He was looking around the corner to see Momo, sitting along. "Just give her the flowers. She need some cheering up, after her boyfriend dumped her in front of the school." Hoshi gather himself and walked over to Momo. He stood in front of her, as she looked up to see him.

"Oh Hoshi," she said, as he handed her the flowers. "Oh thank you," she told him, giving him a smile.

"I thought you need some cheering up after what happen," he said, sitting next to her. Momo sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, I didn't expect him to do that in front of everyone." She looked down at the flowers and took a sniff of them. "They are lovely Hoshi. You know this is the first time I ever got flowers."

"Really? He never gave you flowers." He was surprise to hear something like that.

"Yeah, he thought they were cheap, but for me it just for me. I didn't care about the gifts he got me because they were too expensive and didn't mean anything." Hoshi listened to Momo carefully, as she looked at him. "But thank you Hoshi, this made my day brighter."


"Hello Momo," said Hoshi, driving his old car. Momo was waiting for the bus, as she saw him and smile. "Do you need a ride, I mean, we both go to the same school."

"That would be wonderful," she said, moving over to his car and getting in. She buckled up and gave him a smile.

"Sorry, my car isn't the greatest, but it runs and get me from point A to point B," he said, looking a bit shameful about his car. Momo reached over and gave his hand a little pat. Hoshi felt his face getting hot, as he turned to look at Momo. She had a smile on her face.

"It's all right, your car is fine. At least I get to sit in it, unlike my ex. He is the only one allow in his car." Hoshi smiled at her, as he started to drive to school. He was learning so much about Momo and how much of a jerk her ex-boyfriend was. Momo was talking about some problem she was having in her dance class, as Hoshi gave some advice to her.

"I can help you after school with some moves. I know they can be quite difficult, but I know you can do it with some practice."

"Really thank you and sorry I'm a little chatterbox at times." She blushed, as Hoshi held onto the wheel tight. Her smile can always chase anything away and put him in a happy mood.

"Hey, if you just want to chat about anything especially about if Sana and Taeyoung will get together, I'm glad to listen and give you advice. Just FYI, I believe they will get together before Homecoming."

"Wow, you have been listening to me and I do agree they will get together at Homecoming."


"Momo?" She heard her name and looked to see Hoshi with some of his friends, coming out of the dorm. "What are you doing out here?"

"Oh I was supposed to meet Sana, but she cancelled on me because she got a date with Taeyoung. I was just about to go back to my dorm and watch a movie."

"I can go with you and watch, so you aren't alone."

"No, it's okay, you already have plans with your friends and..." Momo began, as Hoshi already bid goodbye to his friends. He went over to her and took the bag of food she had in her hands. "You really didn't have too."

"I live with them in my dorm. I can survive a night without them," Hoshi said, holding out his free hand to her. "Come on, let's watch that movie you want." Momo smiled at him and took his hand. Their hands fit perfect with each other, as they walk to her dorm for a movie night.


Momo was really nervous, as she was getting ready for a date with Hoshi. She was the one that had the guts to ask him out. He was a little disappointed, because he wanted to ask her first, but accepted on he plans the date. Momo agreed, as she check her hair one last time. She wants to look good for Hoshi, after all he has been so sweet to her since she broke up with her ex.

"Moguri! Hoshi is here for your date!" called out Sana, as Momo picked up her purse and head to the door.

"Hi Hoshi," Momo said to him, giving him a smile.

"You look amazing, Momo," he told her, returning the smile. He held his hand out for her, as she accept it. "You ready for our date?" She nodded, as she gave his hand a squeeze.

"Remember she needs to be home by midnight or she will turn into a pumpkin," teased Sana, as Momo rolled her eyes at her. Hoshi chuckled and promise Sana she will be home before midnight.

"Let's get going." Hoshi took Momo to a local café, which has amazing food and drinks. They took a nice stroll in the park and sat down on the bench.

"This is so nice," said Momo, not letting go of Hoshi's hand. "What an amazing night."

"I'm sorry it's not fancy for a first date," he told her. Momo gave his hand a squeeze and looked over to him.

"No this is just perfect. Remember I like simple things."

"I know," he answered her, bringing her hand up and leaving a light kiss on there. "I want to confess something to you." He took a deep breath and started. "I am not rich like your last boyfriend. I never going to be to afford fancy things like jewelry or a new car until I get a good job. After hanging out with you for weeks and getting to know you, I know one thing I can give to you all the time and that is my love." He pulled Momo close to him and gave her a smile. "I love you Momo. I will always be there for you. If you want to talk off my ear and do it. I will always listen to you. If you need someone to hang out with because your friends can't, I will hang out with you, even if I have dance practice I will head over to you and watch whatever movie with you. I will give you my love 24/7, 365 days a year." Momo pulled him towards her and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"I love you too," she told him, breaking the kiss. "Love is all I ever wanted, thank you Hoshi." He smile at her, as he pulled her into another kiss. All he has is love and she gladly will accept it.

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 1 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now