My Heart Stays With You *H.MM x M.TL*

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When I'm leaving town. Girl it hurts me too. But I've got a job to do - Backstreet Boys - My Heart Stays With You

"I'm going to miss you so much," Momo whispered to him, as Taeil held her close to him. It was time for his group to do their US tour, while Momo had to stay back in Korea, getting ready for her group comeback. "I wish I could go with you."

"Me too, Princess," he replied, holding her close. He placed a kiss on her forehead and sighed. "I could always smuggled you in one of our bags." Momo giggled and looked up at him.

"It's all right, I can wait for two months for my moon to come home." He smiled at her and nuzzled his nose against hers.

"I promise when I come home, we do something special." Momo gave him a wink, as he chuckled at her. "If you want that, I have fifteen minutes before I got to go through security."

"We are not going to do a quickie, Moon Taeil," she told him, giving him a pout. "You know I like it nice and slow." Taeil kisses her pout away, as he smiled.

"I know Princess, like last night," he whispered to her, as she blushed a bit.

"We are leaving in five minutes," called the manager, as Taeil sighed. He held Momo closed to him, as he placed a few kisses on her face.

"I love you my starlight," he said, kissing her on the lips.

"I love you too my moonlight." She gave him a kiss and moved away to dig something out of her purse. She pulled out a little stuff puppy dog and gave it to him. "Something for you to have of me while on tour." He took the stuff dog and nodded. Momo walked up to him again and kissed him again. "You are going to be amazing out there. Knock everyone dead." She started to get a little emotional, as Taeil held her close. "I'm sorry, I'm just going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you Princess. Just promise me you will be here when I return. I want to see you first before anyone," Taeil said, as she nodded. They share one last kiss, as they broke apart. He picked up his bag, as he waved at her. She returned the wave, as he walked through security with his group, as Momo walked away with her manager to go back to the dorm.
"Johnny you got to help me," said Taeil, as they were all on the tour bus. Johnny put his book down, as Taeil sat down next to him. "I want to find an engagement ring for Momo. I think it's finally time for her to be my wife."

"Congrats, you guys been dating for almost three years," he said. "It's about time to tie the knot."

"I know. I need your help on finding the perfect ring for her. I mean you have went ring shopping for Taeyong and..." Johnny hit his arm, trying to keep him quiet.

"Yes but nobody knows but you. I'm going to wait for his birthday to propose. When are you going to ask her?"

"When I get back to Korea. I don't want to wait any longer," he smiled. "Jihyo already got her ring size for me. Yet I think she is more excited than me."

"Momo is everyone's baby in the group. When we get to LA we can look, if not Chicago will be the best place. That's where I got Yongie's ring." Taeil nodded, as he was excited to ask his girlfriend to be his wife.
"Who would have though rings were expensive?" Taeil mumbled, as Johnny and him were at a jewelry store in Chicago. Taeil couldn't find the perfect ring for her in LA.

"You don't want to see the price tag on Yongie's ring," Johnny said. Taeil looked around for a few minutes, until his eyes spot the ring.

 Taeil looked around for a few minutes, until his eyes spot the ring

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"This is it," he said to Johnny, as he looked at it too.

"Yes, that is such a Momo's ring. Beautiful, elegant, simple and has some pink in it. Good choice, man." The woman at the store go the ring out for him, as he got to look at it closer. This is the ring he can see on Momo's finger when she is out in public and with him. It was calling to him to get it. The price as so in his range and they did have her size.

"I will take it," said Taeil, as the woman nodded and got the ring ready for him. Taeil was smiling, knowing he did good. He can't wait to see the smile and tears on Momo's face when he proposed to her.
The tour was finally over and they were on their way back to Korea. He did tell his members he was going to proposed to Momo and show them the ring. Taeyong cried in relief, as he thought Johnny was cheating on him with Taeil, as they were in the ring shop getting a couple ring. Johnny comfort him letting him know he would never cheat on him. Taeil was getting nervous when they land in Korea. Momo told him she was going to be there with a surprise.

"I'm going to do it tonight," he told Johnny. "Once we get settle, I will pop the question." They got off the plane and went to baggage claim to get their luggages. He look to see Momo standing there with a smile on her face. She had a coat on, as she gave him a wave. Taeil smiles and went over to her. He was about to hug her, as she stopped him.

"Wait! I have to show you the surprise." Momo made him stand in front of her, she opened her coat, and held a card up.

" Momo made him stand in front of her, she opened her coat, and held a card up

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Taeil was stunned, as Momo had a smile on her face. " are going to be a father." He dropped his bag and hurry over to his girlfriend. He placed his hands on her bump, as she smiled.

" serious?" She nodded, feeling the tears forming.

"I found out the day you left and was freaking out. I know we always wanted a family, but I was scared to mention this to you, thinking so many things. You think I was cheating on you, you didn't want to be a father, you leaving me..." Taeil moved his hands to her face and shook his head.

"No, never. I love you to death and I will love our child..."


"Twins?!" She shook her head and pointed at the card. "Triplets?" She nodded, as he kissed her on the lips. "You surprise me, Princess. Oh my gosh, I'm going to be a father."

"We are going to be pretty busy that's for sure. No more nice and slow with you," she joked, as they both chuckled. The group came up to them, as Taeil reveal Momo's bump. "We are having triplets! I'm going to be a father!" Everyone looked stunned except for Taeyong. He knew because Momo called him crying and giving him updates. She wanted to keep this a secret from Taeil.

"I have a surprise for you tonight," he said, hugging Momo and giving her a kiss.

"Well I say yes!" He looked at her in surprise, as she giggled. "You dropped the box on the ground when you were jumping for joy." She pointed to the box and he groaned. "It's okay I will act surprise tonight for you."
So sweet like candy. Thanks for reading.

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