Every Day Is A Holiday *H.MM x C.SC*

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We don't need a thing under the tree. You're giving me all I need - Katy Perry - Every Day Is A Holiday

"We are here!" Momo exclaimed, as her and her boyfriend of three years, Seungcheol, pulled up to their private cabin for the week. They were celebrating their three years and Christmas together...alone. God, Seungcheol nearly had to duct tape a few members in not trying to come with him. He wants alone time with his girlfriend and plus...I was finally going to ask her the question. "This is going to be the best week ever."

"It is," he said, leaned over and gave her a kiss. "Just you and me, no idol life, no members, no media, just us," he said. Momo nodded, as they got out of the car and got their bags. They went in the cabin, as Momo gasped. The cabin was all decked out with Christmas. The tree was up and have their presents under there.

"Did you set this all up?" Momo asked turning to her boyfriend.

"Yeah, I do have help from my members. The only time they will help me for this getaway." He went to her and wrapped his arms around her. "This is our third Christmas together and I want to make it special." Momo gave him a kiss and pulled back.

"Everyday is special, as long as I'm with you." He smiled at her, as he picked up her bridal style. He carried her to the couch and let her sit down. He sat next to her, as she snuggled next to him.

"That reminds me when I confess to you," he said. "I was so nervous and wanted to make it so special. Granted we had to end the date early because Dino and Vernon got food poisoning, but I told you that I love you."

"I remember, you were such in a panic you just blurt it out. I thought it was just so cute." Seungcheol kissed Momo on the cheek and smile.

"And look at this? Three years together. We had our ups and downs with everything, but look at us." They just sat in each other's comfort for a few minutes. "Tomorrow we are going to have fun in the snow. I'm going to show you how to snowboard."

"I can't wait."
"Babe, are you sure you don't want to just go home and rest," Momo asked Seungcheol, as they came back from a day of snowboarding. More like a hour of snowboarding and six hours at the ER. Seungcheol was teaching her and it didn't turn out as he plan. He slipped down the hill, took a long tumble down, and end up breaking his left arm. "We can always plan to come back when you are healed."

"No it's all right, I'm in a cast," he said, walking to the couch and sitting down. "I'm just an idiot on how this turn out." Seungcheol was clearly upset he broke his arm, but almost nearly ruined their getaway. Momo sat next to him, as he pulled her into a hug.

"It's not your fault. Accidents happen, at least you didn't break anything else," Momo said, making him look at her and giving him a kiss. "I will take care of you babe."

"I know," he said, giving her another kiss. "Can we just cuddle by the fire right now and talk." Momo nodded, as she snuggled closer to him. The fireplace already had a fire going.

"This is like our second Christmas," said Momo. "All our members went out to play in the snow, except us."

"Well you couldn't play, as you were sick," Seungcheol answered, playing with her hair. "I really thought you were pregnant too how sick you were." He moved his hand to place on her tummy. "One day we will get to that point of having children."

"I know, but Vernon and Dino are good practice for us." Seungcheol nodded, as he rubbed her tummy.

"Do you want to start a family with me?" Momo looked up at him, as he was serious.

"Yes I do, but are we ready right now. We are both on the top of our careers," Momo asked, as he kissed her on the lips.

"I didn't mean right now," he chuckled at her. "But in the future, I want children with you. I can imagine a little Momo running around."

"Or it could be a little Seungcheol."

"Please no. I already know if it's a boy, my members will influence our child to hate me." Momo giggled at him and crawled into his lap. She wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too."
Christmas' Eve is here and the happy couple were coming back for a party at the lounge of the ski resort. They had a good time and there were still no members trying to ruined their getaway. Seungcheol might have to buy some cookies for his members. They actually listen to him on not ruining his time with his love.

"Presents time," Momo said, as they entered their cabin. She helped Seungcheol with his jacket and hung it up. She took hers off and Seungcheol tried to hang it up, but it's hard when you only have one good arm. Momo just laughed, as he was able to do it. They went to the living room, as the fire was going. "I will whip up my famous hot chocolate and we can open gifts." Momo kissed him on the cheek and went to the kitchen. He sat down by the tree and look for the one gift that means a lot to him. He found the little box and smiled. He took the box and placed it in his pocket for now.

Momo came back with two mugs of hot chocolate and they were opening gifts. They were enjoying themselves, as Momo hugged a custom Seungcheol teddy bear from his members, which Seungcheol was ready to call them and yell. Now he has to fight against a teddy bear.

"Momo...I have something to ask you." Momo looked at him, as she set the bear down. He took a deep breath, it's now or never. He took Momo's hand into his and spoke. "We have been together for three years. High and low, we stuck together. During the three years, I kept thinking to myself, could she be the one? Could she been the one I see myself with everyday? Could she be the one I have a family with? Throughout the years, my answer became clear. They were all pointing to yes. So Hirai Momo, I want you to be by my side forever. I want to love you forever. So will you do my the greatest honor and grant my Christmas wish? Will you marry me?"

He moved his hand and pulled out the box. He tried the best he could to opened the box, but his cast which wrapped around his fingers was not helping him. He looked up at Momo, face red of embarrassment. "I need a little help." Momo had to giggle at him, as he looks so cute trying to show her the ring. Momo took the box and opened it to see a beautiful ring.

"It's beautiful..." she mumbled, "it must have been expensive."

"I was going to seek Vernon and Dino, but was able to find a store that sold the ring less," he joked. "But you haven't answer my question?" He took the box and held it to her. "Would you be my wife for all time?"

"Do you really need to ask me? Yes I will!" Seungcheol got the ring out and placed it on Momo's finger. Momo tried not to cry, but couldn't help it. She was engaged with the love of her life. He hugged her and wipe the tears away.

"I love you."

"I love you too. I can't wait to tell everyone we are engaged."

"Knowing them, they already know and might be watching us," he said letting go of Momo and going to the tree. He stared at one of the ornaments and smash it with his cast to show a camera. "We are having a talk when we get home," he said to the camera. "Is that clear?"

"I told you to put the camera on the star!" Dino complained to Mingyu. "He wouldn't be able to reach it."
Sorry for this to be up late. The next few weeks are going to be hit and miss, as I have family coming to see me, me going to visit family, and vacation! Yay!!! But I will still update....somehow.

Here where we stand on part 175:
Jeonghan: 6
Jimin: 6
Yoongi: 1
Minghao: 1
Ten: zero
Jungkook: nada
Hoshi: big fat nothing
Baekhyun: no vote found
Yuta: don't you wish you were like the top four who had votes.
Jisung: you aren't legal yet.

So we have a tie thus far. Vote on your favorite or add someone new in the mix. One vote per person

Comment and vote
Bye sweetie sweetie

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 1 (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ