4 Season of Loneliness *H.MM x M.YG*

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Until you release me I'm bound under ball and chain. Reminiscing our love as I watch four seasons change - Boyz II Men - 4 Season of Loneliness

"If you want to be with the crown prince, you must live alone in the forbidden woods for a year," said the Queen to Momo, as Momo was kneeled down. "If you try to leave the woods, you will be killed. If you try to make any contact with the crown prince, you will be killed. If any person help you in any way, you will be killed."

"Mother, you can't do that," Yoongi yelled at his mother, as she raise her hand to shut him up. Momo didn't look up at first, as the Queen step closer to her.

"If you don't want to agree to these terms, you can rot in jail until you die. I'm being nice, as you been serving our family for a long time." Momo looked at the Queen with tearful eyes, but a face of determination.

"I accept your terms," she said. Yoongi break free from his guards and went to Momo.

"You don't have to do this," he said, holding her hand. "I can figure a way for us to be together." Momo shook her head, squeezing his hand.

"I'm doing this for our love," she said. "It will just be a year. After the year, nobody can stop us." Yoongi wipes her tears away. "If something does happen, I will always love you."

"Don't talk like that. I will wait for your return." Yoongi placed a kiss on her lips, as the Queen spoke.

"Enough, guards take her to the forbidden woods and position the guards around the woods." Momo hurried and took off her necklace, a simple emerald drop.

"It's my late mother's," she said to him. "Please care for it." Yoongi took off his bracelet and put it on her. A sapphire and diamond bracelet.

"My late father's. I want it back after a year." He placed another kiss on her lips, as the guards picked her up. "I will always love you no matter what." Momo nodded, as that was the last time the lovers saw each other.
Momo let out a cough, as she was gathering some woods to make a fire. She already has been in the woods for two weeks and it was getting cold. She got the woods and started her way back to her little camp. It was nothing more than branches and leaves. Momo was able to start a fire and sat there. She rubbed her arms up and down, trying to stay warm. Momo looked up to see the moon above her.

"Don't give up on us, Yoongi." Momo lay down on the dirt ground to get some sleep to prepare herself for tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Yoongi was looking at the moon as well. His mother has guards at his door and with him all the time, so he can't go and help her.

"Please Goddess, protect my dear Momo," he prayed to the moon. The moon sparkle bright, like it heard him. "I will not give up Momo."
Morning came, as Momo snuggled into warmth. Yet when did leaves become so warm? Momo opened her eyes to see there was a blanket over her body. She sat up, holding the blanket to her as she looked around. She wasn't under her poorly made tent, as she was now in a small hut. She could smell something outside the hut, as she set the blanket down and went outside. There were some fishes cooking over the fire, as she was really puzzled. She let out a sneeze, as she heard a little voice.

"Bless you." She looked around in fear, as she knew if it was someone helping her, she will be killed. Something flew into her face, as it was a little fairy.

"Oh my goodness, why are you outside with no warmth," the fairy said, as it zoomed in the hut and grabbed the blanket. "Quickly put this on or you will catch a cold." Momo did what the fairy told her, as more fairies were coming her way with many things.

"Yongie, we are back with more goodies." The fairies saw Momo awake and was pleased. "Good you're up, please help the younger ones with the basket." Momo hurried to the little group of fairies, struggling with a basket of fruits.

"Now child..." began the motherly fairy who gave her the blanket.

"I'm pretty sure I'm older than you," she questioned the fairy, as the fairy just ignored her.

"What is a human like you doing in the forbidden woods? No human has survived this long." Momo explained to the fairies her issues and she has to live her for a year with no contact with her world. The fairies felt terrible for Momo, as she twisted the bracelet on her wrist.

"Why are you helping me? If the Queen finds out..."

"The Queen can't do anything to you," said Taeyong. Momo got to learned all 21 fairies names. "She said no human and we are not human. We are fairies and we rule the forbidden woods."

"Plus we have been watching you since you were thrown in here," said Jaehyun. "We were surprise how long you survived. Many humans who entered her don't make it past day three."

"You must love that prince enough to survive," said Jungwoo.

"I do and I want to see him again." Momo wrapped the blanket tighter around her body, as she went into a coughing fit.

"First we have to make sure you make it past the first snowfall which is in a week," Taeyong told her. "We need to prepare everything quickly. Everyone knows what to do." The fairies all scattered into different directions, as Doyoung and Taeyong got her inside the hut. Soon the fairies were bringing fur, cloth, fruits, and anything they could to keep her healthy and warm. Their goal is to help her make it through the year.
Months has gone by, seasons were changing as fast as they come. Yoongi was still waiting for his Momo. His mother tried to make him forget her, but he could not. It was his fault to fall in love with the servant and he doesn't regret it one bit. She was the perfect match for him and wants her to rule by his side and create the most perfect family. He was to be king soon and then he could change everything his mother's done. He would lift the ban and get Momo from the woods. He just have to be patience and wait for the right time. He prays every night for the safety of his dear Momo.

"Yoongi, the coronation will be in three months," said his advisor, Jin.

"That will be when the year is almost up," he said, holding her necklace. "Once I am King, I will get my Queen."

"Do you think she is still alive?" Yoongi looked at Jin with his death eyes.

"Of course, my Momo would not die on me. The Goddess is protecting her and I know in my heart she is safe." He looked out the window, barely seeing the forbidden woods. "Our love is stronger than anything in this world."
Three months later
Yoongi was now King of the land, which he has the power. He already banished his mother from the land after everything she has done to the people, the land, her family and Momo. After he resolved the issues on the kingdom and land, it was time to bring his Queen home. Yoongi and his knights entered the woods to find Momo. After a while, Yoongi could hear voices in the distance. He walked towards the voices and saw a sight he missed for a year.

Momo was sitting on a bench, with her eyes closed and enjoying the wind. There were a bunch of little fairies playing in the distance, as one of them went to Momo.

"Come play with us, Momo."

"All right Jisung," she said, standing up. Yoongi stepped on a twig, as Momo stopped and looked around. The younger fairies were circling around Momo to protected her, as Yoongi slowly stepped out of the shadow. Momo's eyes widen to see her prince, standing there in the flesh.

"Yoongi?" She asked softly, as the fairies stopped and watched.

"Isn't that the person you love?" Jeno asked, as Momo nodded.

"Momo, its all over now," he said, as Momo let out a sob. She ran into his arms and hugged him. He held her so tight, pressing kisses on her head. The lovers were finally reunited after a year of loneliness from each other.

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