Just Be Mine *H.MM x K.TY*

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"You say that that I make you wait. That's true 'cause I make you wait." - Cher Lloyd - Just Be Mine

"Where in the world is he?" Momo asked herself, while waiting for her boyfriend to come and pick her up after her dance practice. It has been a hour and he still has not shown up. He was not answering his phone nor text. "That's it, I'm so done with him." Momo got her gym bag and was about to walk home. A car pulled up to her, as Taehyung popped his head out the window.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late. I got caught up on the set," he apologized to Momo, as she ignored him and kept on walking. "Momo don't be like this." Momo stopped and turned to him.

"This is the fifth time in two weeks you didn't pick me up on time."

"I told you..."

"No, I'm tired of the excuses." Momo sighed and looked at Taehyung with sad eyes. "What happened to my boyfriend? Where is he?"

"I'm right here. Come on, let me get you home so we can go out tonight," he begged her. Momo gave in and got in the car.

"You can drop me off but you can forget about the date. I'm just tired and want to sleep," she replied, not looking at him. Taehyung sighed and drove them to her place.
"I'm the worst boyfriend ever," Taehyung said, as he hit his head on the desk.

"I told you how many times, you can't make women wait," said Jimin, reading his text messages. "Mina told me Momo is really upset with you on forgetting her."

"I didn't forget her, I was just running late."

"By this rate, she is going to let you run late forever when she breaks up with you." Taehyung looked over to Jimin with an annoying look.

"Don't say that! We been together for over a year. I working on it, okay."

"If you say so."
Taehyung, for once in his life, was early to pick up Momo from dance practice. He was walking to the front of the building with pink roses, when Momo came out of the building with another dancer. A male dancer. A handsome male dancer. Momo was laughing at a joke he told her, as Taeyoung stood there with an annoying look on his face. Momo looked up and was surprise to see Taehyung there.

"Tae! You're actually here on time?" She was in shock to see her boyfriend there. Taehyung marched over to her and hand the flowers to her. He took her hand and pulled her away without saying a word.

"Bye Jongin, say hi to D.O. for me," called out Momo, as they were going to his car. They got in, as Taehyung looked over to her.

"Who is he?"

"Jongin, my dance partner," she told him, smelling the flowers. Taehyung gripped the wheel. "We are working on a dance together for the show." Taehyung was already imagining his girlfriend in the arms of that man. He was mad to think someone other than him holding her.

"I don't like him," he said, as Momo looked at him.

"You don't even know him."

"I know enough he is flirting with my girl," he said, as Momo sighed.

"He has a boyfriend, you know. We are only friends and nothing more," she said. Taehyung pulled over to the side of the road, park the car, and leaned over to her.

"You are my girl, nobody else!" He gave her a kiss, as Momo fought to push him off her.

"What is going on with you?" Taehyung sighed and hit his head on the wheel. "Taehyung?"

"I'm such a bad boyfriend," he said to her. "I have fucked up many things, but I don't want to lose you." He turned to her and took her hand. "I just want you to be mine forever. Please be mine forever. I promise to make everything up to you." Momo looked at him and gave out a little laugh.

"Taehyung why didn't you tell me how you feel?"

"I'm too proud of myself to give in. Maybe I was trying too hard, but I always screw up or am late." Momo patted his hand and smile at him.

"There are time, I do get upset because of your either being late or forget, but it still doesn't change my love for you. Sure I want to smack you or though about breaking up." Taehyung's eyes widen, as he shook his head. "I'm not going to break up with you. I just want us to get back on track with everything. We are doing well at the beginning, but I guess our lives got between us."

"I agree," he said. "I will cut my hours back from work."

"I will cut back my dance practice as well." Taehyung smile at his girlfriend and lean over to give her a kiss.

"Tomorrow let's have a stay home date."

"I would love that very much." Momo gave him another kiss and smile at him. "I love you, Taehyung."

"I love you too. Thank you for being my girl."

"I'm forever your girl."

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