Run The Show *H.MM x S.JN*

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I'm the object of all your desire. And your attention is all i require - Kay Deluna - Run The Show

"You sure you want to do this?" Sana asked Momo, as Momo was looking through a bunch of swimsuits.

"Of course, I think it's time for me to get his attention," she said, as she thought about a guy in mind. Seo Johnny from NCT, how she has a crush on him. Yet he doesn't notice her at all, like she is invisible. He will talk with all her members, but not her. She doesn't smell and she is pleasant to be around, but to Johnny it is like a disease. She has try everything except showing off her assets aka her body. If this is the only way she can get his attention, she will do it.

"There is another way to get is attention," said Sana, as Momo pulled out a two piece red swimsuit. "Being sexy and showing off your body isn't the solution."

"Sana, I have done everything to get him to notice me except strip in front of him. This is the second best solution. It's just me modeling swimsuits. It's not like I'm selling my body for pleasure, unless Johnny want to buy me." Sana just gave her a look, as Momo sighed. "Then what do you suggest?"

"You came to the right person." Sana grabbed the swimsuit and put it away. "If you want your man to notice you, hit him where it hurts." Momo just gave her a look, not understanding what she meant. "Give his friends all of your attention and forget him."

"How is that going to work?"

"If you give them attention and none to Johnny, he is going to get jealous. He will be mad not getting any attention that he is used to. I know the perfect person that will help you."

"Who? Please don't let it be Ten. He goes overboard with everything and I don't want him in the hospital when Johnny best him up."

"Nope, this is the one." Sana took her phone out and show the person, willing to help. Momo's mouth open wide, as Sana smiled. "Oh yeah, Johnny will be having smoke coming out of his ears once he sees you with him."
NCT 127 and Twice were at the music show, performing . Johnny was staring at himself in the mirror, making sure he looks good for a certain someone. He has to admit he loves when she gives him attention. He wouldn't admit it but he wants to just cuddle with her when she will dance for him or make cute faces in front of him. He had to play cool and ignore her. He wants to play getting hard to get.

"Johnny man, you look good," he said to himself. "She is going to be all over you when she sees you." Johnny move away from the mirror, as a knock came from the door. Mark opened the door and Momo was there.

"Hello," she said, giving everyone a wave. Johnny sat down on the couch, leaving a spot open for Momo to join him. "I'm sorry to disturb you guys but is Doyoung here?" Everyone was surprise she was asking for him, especially Johnny. Not once she looked in his direction, as Doyoung walked over to the door.

"Hey, glad you made it let's talk," he said, guiding her away from the door with his hand touching her lower back. Johnny's eyes narrow at him, as the two left to speak.

"Did I just miss something?" Haechan asked, scratching his head. "Momo didn't acknowledge you, hyung." Johnny just rolled his eyes and shook it off.

"She may have not seen me. It's cool," he said. Yet he was a little upset that she wanted to see Doyoung. Usually she would say she wants to hang out and sit next to him, trying to engaged and get his attention. He shook it off, forgetting the moment. She must have been getting Doyoung for one of her members. That's it, she will be back to Johnny the next time she sees him. There is nothing to worry about.
"Should I be worry?" Johnny asked Taeyong, as Momo and Doyoung were talking with each other. Momo did not try to talk to Johnny and it was killing him. He loves the attention from Momo and now she is giving it to Doyoung.

"Well you could have you know gave her some attention," he said. "She tried really hard to get her to notice her and this would bound to happen if you kept ignoring her. She would get someone else to give that attention."

"But it should be me, not him!" Johnny was frustrated as he wasn't getting his attention from Momo like usual. He watched Doyoung leaning over to her and whispering something, as Momo giggled at him. Johnny clenched his fists at the sight. She only could giggle like that with him. Taeyong just had a smile on his face, seeing Johnny worked up.

"Hey leader," Doyoung called out to Taeyong. "Do we have anything after this?"

"No, we are free afterwards why?"

"I'm going out with Momo to get some sweets afterwards then. Don't wait up," he said, giving Momo a wink, as she blushed. Johnny had it, as he walked over to them. He grabbed Momo's hand and dragged her away. He was not going to lose Momo to Doyoung of all people. Taeyong went over to Doyoung, as they gave each a high five.

"Finally he is making a move. Only took him about three hours," said Doyoung.

"Ah Johnny..." Momo spoke to him, as he took her to an empty room. He didn't let go of her hand, as she spoke.

"You aren't allowed to give any guy your attention. Your attention belongs to me."

"But you..." he cut her off, as he turn to face her.

"I was playing hard to get. I love the attention to gave me Momo. I enjoy it, but nobody is allowed to get that. It's for me." He squeeze her hand and continue. "I'm sorry I ignored you but I love to see how cute you get every time you try to get my attention."

"Oh Johnny...I'm sorry. Sana put this plan into motion. I didn't think your members would agree but they did. I only had eyes for you." Johnny sighed, as he should have figure they would have done this. He is going to have to kill them later.

"It's all right, I know you wouldn't do this. So are you still going out tonight?"

"I am, but it's with the person I like, that is if he is able too. Otherwise, Doyoung isn't bad to hang out with." Johnny pulled her into a hug, as he growled a bit.

"Don't mention another man's name unless it is mine." Momo giggled at him, as he held her close, "and of course I am free. Considering this our first date." Momo nodded, as she is glad she went with Sana's crazy plan.

"And to think I was going to just post pictures of me in swimsuits to get you to notice me."

"Oh I would, but would have gone crazy knowing others can see my girl in that," Johnny said. Momo gasped and looked up at him. "What, you are my girl now right?" Momo smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"I am now."

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