If I Die Young *H.MM x L.TY*

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A penny for my thoughts, oh no I'll sell them for a dollar - The Perry Band - If I Die Young

"Hey there," Momo called out to all the 21 members of NCT. "I brought caffeine goodness." She had the managers help her bring the drinks in the room, as the boys scattered to the drinks. "Dreamies, you get the fruit smoothies and flavor teas." The Dreamies groaned, as she pointed to the drinks for them. She had a drink in her hand, as her fiancé came up to her with a smile. "Here is yours, Babe." Taeyong smile at her, as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, Princess," he said, taking the drink from her hands. Everyone thank Momo for the drinks, as Jisung came running up to Momo.

"Momo, you have to see my dance. Taeyong-Hyung told me I'm getting better," he said, with sparkles in his eyes. Momo smiled at him and stroke his hair. Taeyong loves how Momo treats the members, especially the Dreamies like family.

"Of course, I will watch you. Soon you are going to out-beat Yongie," she said, as he just laughed at them. Momo looked at him with a innocent look. "What, it could be true."

"Jisung, go and finish your break. You can show Momo in a bit," he said, as Jisung nodded and went with the others to rest. Taeyong went over to Momo and wrapped an arm around her waist, as he had his drink in the other. "I missed you," he said to her, as she giggled.

"You just saw me this morning, before you left for practice," she told him. He shrugged, as she rest her head on his shoulder. "You guys have been working so hard with your comeback. I can't wait to see it." He hummed, as he squeeze her waist. "Yongie, not in front of the guys," she whispered. He smirked at her, pulling her closer to him and pressing some kisses on her cheek.

"Really you guys?" Johnny spoke up, as the couple looked over at everyone. "You don't have to make us single people feel bad." Momo blushed and hid her head in Taeyong's shoulder.

"NCT 127 and WayV, to the conference room," said the manager, as they groaned. They know it is about comeback talks. Momo moved away from him, as he took her hand for a moment. He smile at the ring on her finger he gave to her six months ago.

"Come down in about an hour, so we can have lunch together," he said, as Momo nodded. He gave her a kiss on the lips and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too," she replied to him, "I will watch the Dreamies and join you in a hour." He gave her one more kiss, as he left the room to go to the meeting.
The meeting was nearly over, as there was an explosion in the building. Everyone rushed out of the building, as another explosion went off. People were screaming and some were hurt. The boys managed to get out of the building with no problem, as there was fires everywhere. Taeyong realized the Dreamies and Momo were still in the building. He tried to go back, as Jaehyun and Johnny was able to stop him.

"Momo is in there, as well as the Dreamies," he said, as police and the fire department were coming. People were coming in and out of the building, as they saw the Dreamies coming out. They all ran over to Taeyong scared. He counted them and notice one was missing, the youngest, Jisung.

"He was still with Momo in the practice room, when we went to get a snack," said Renjun. Taeyong cursed softly, as he got the Dreamies to get check out. He whipped out his phone and hopes that either Jisung or Momo would answer.
-Just Before the Explosion-
"Wow Jisung, you have improved with your dancing," Momo told him, as he was all smile. "One day we need to dance on stage together or we can dance circles around Yongie."

"I like both ideas," he said, as they got their things. "Do you have everything plan for the wedding?"

"Almost Jisung, we are taking our time," she said, as they walked to the elevator. "We have all the time in the world to get married."

"I'm glad Taeyong-Hyung has you, Momo," he told her. "He is always happy and smiling since he been with you." Momo hit the button and patted Jisun's head.

"I'm glad I make him happy. He makes me happy too. I promise I will always make Taeyong happy." The doors to the elevator was about to open, as both of them heard something. The doors burst open with flames, shooting right at them and with the force of the blast, both of them flew back and hit the wall hard. Momo groaned, as there was another explosion. Momo quickly hurried over to Jisung and check on him. His arm had a little bit of fire, as she got her sweater sleeve and hit the fire out. His arm did get burned, as he was crying in pain. "Shh, Jisung it's okay, I'm here." Momo ripped off her sleeve and wrapped it on his arm. "Can you stand up?"

"I think so," he said, getting up slowly, but he squatted back down, holding his ankle. Momo didn't waste time in getting him on her back, despite her in pain. "Momo..."

"Just tell me where the stairs are."

The two managed to get down the four flight of stairs, as she saw the door was covered in some debris. Momo set Jisung down, as she tried to get them out of the way but couldn't.

"Momo, I'm scared," cried Jisung, as Momo moved over to him and sat on the steps. She brought him into her arms to calm him down. He was crying on her shoulder and her phone was going off. Momo answered the phone, but it was static.

"Momo are you all right?"
"Yes, I'm fine. Jisung is with me."
"How is he?"
"He does have a burn arm and hurt his ankle, but still fine." Momo kissed Jisung's head, keeping him calm.
"Princess, where are you so we can get someone to you."
"West staircase on the first floor. There is too much debris for me to move myself." Taeyong told Taeil and Doyoung, as they went off to tell the fire department.
"Stay on the line with me. We will get both of you out."
"Yongie, what is going on?"
"I don't know, but hearing you makes me happy you are safe for now."
"Taeyong, I love you..." They both could hear crumbling sounds, as Taeyong look at the building. It was starting to come down a bit, as he got scared.
"I will make sure Jisung is safe...Oh god, the building is coming down."
"Momo stay with me, they are going to get you two out."
"Jisung...on the ground.... now! Taeyong...I..." athe signal was cut, as the building did indeed collapsed to the ground. Everyone ran from it so they couldn't get hit by any flying parts.
"Momo!" Taeyong screamed, as Jaehyun grabbed his arm and pulled him to safety. The building was not a pile of rumble, as they were people trapped under all the rumbles, including one Park Jisung and One Hirai Momo.
Under the rumble was very little protection lies two unconscious people. Jisung was on the ground with Momo covering him, taking all the rumbles on her back. They were breathing, but for how long? Momo's engagement ring was dusty and the diamond was missing due to the collapse. Both of them did lot have much time, as Jisung was already injury. Momo had a trail of blood running the the side of her head due to the debris hitting her. Now it is a waiting game to help Momo and Jisung our of their prison or there is going to be two idol funerals in the near future.
A/N: -hiding from everyone- yeah so this happen and it could go four ways.
1. They both live
2. Momo lives and Jisung dies
3. Momo dies and Jisung lives
4. They both die (including me)
I will let your imagination wander on what will I do.

Ten: I swear you kill both of them off, I will hunt you down and make sure you never write again. Plus I don't like Taeyong sad.

Dude why you think I'm hiding. His puppy eyes are dangerous. He must have learn it from Jonghyun.

Comment and vote. I will be working on other ships before I write about this one again. I was just motivated to get this one out.

Bye sweetie sweetie 👋🏼🍭🍭

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