Angel Of Mine *H.MM x L.DM*

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When I first saw you, I already knew. There was something inside of you - Monica - Angel of Mine

The crisp smell of the desert feel her lungs, as she was up with the sun just peeking through the mountains. The rooster crowing in the distance, telling everyone it's morning, get up. Momo moved slowly got of her bed and open the curtains. Sunlight was slowly coming in her room, as she put a little smile on her face. Though she is not a morning person, she is up to make everyday a special day.

"Good morning my little sunshine," she whispered to her little four month bump. "Eomma is going to work hard today. Soon when you join me in the world, you will have a nice crib to sleep in, warm clothes, and a lot of diapers." She could feel a little movement, as she caressed her bump. "Eomma has to get ready for work. Mary doesn't like anyone to be late for the breakfast rush. Plus Eomma will get to eat a lot of bacon." Momo walked over to the mirror and sighed. "I really need to touch up my roots." Her roots were showing, as everyone will know she is not a true blonde. "Let's get moving."
Momo walked into the diner, as Mary, the owner, smiled.

"There is my little Rose and the sunshine," she said, as Momo smiled. "You are a little early this morning, Sugar. Must be hankering for some of Hank's bacon."

"Yes madam," she replied, rubbing her bump. "My little sunshine loves his bacon." Mary gave her a sweet smile.

"I remember you were barely showing when you step foot in my diner looking for a job. Look at you, soon that little sunshine is going to popped out of you like a rocket."

"Not that fast, my sunshine needs to finish cooking and I have to find out if it's a boy or a girl."

"I'm a betting woman and he is going to be a strong boy to protected his mama from everything," Mary exclaimed, as Hank laughed through the window.

"You're always wrong, Mary. It's going to be a lovely Rose like her mama. Rose Jr. and I bet all the bacon in the world." Mary gave him a look to shut it, as Momo giggled. "Well come on Rose, we have to prepare for the rush coming. Plus you need to eat something. You nearly passed out because you weren't eating enough."

"That was one time, Mary."

"Enough, Hank made you a plate. Gloria, Fran get the tables all set up!"
It was a very chaotic Wednesday morning in Mary's diner. Regulars were showing up as usual to tourists staying on the ranch. Momo was doing a good job, keeping up with everything. Customers were coming over her bump and giving her motherly advice. They have been so kind to Momo since she been working her for three months.

"Look alive we have fresh meat coming in," Mary hollered our, as the waitresses watched. Six gentlemen came into the diner, as Fran gave out a low whistle.

"Well they are nice on the eyes that's for sure," said Gloria. Momo looked up, as the color in her face drained. She knew those six men coming in the diner and getting seated by Claire in her area. Momo felt her body shaking, as Gloria looked over. "You all right, Rose. You look like you seen a ghost."

"Something like that," she spoke, as Mary turned to her.

"Well well we have some fancy pants with green in this place. Rose, time to shine your charms and reel them in." Momo gave a little laugh and moved over to them. She kept her face hidden with moving her hair to cover her eyes. She took a deep breath and spoke in her most western tone.

"Howdy all and welcome to Mary's Diner. I'lol be your waitress, Rose, what can I get you all to drink?" She pray they don't look up at her.

"We will just get coffee with water on the side," one of them spoke in pretty good English. She jolted down everything and smiled.

"All right folks, your drinks will be coming and I will get your order," she said, as she did break out in her accent. It did made a few them looked up at her, but she turned around in a hurry. "Be right back." She hurried to the counter to get the coffee and water ready.

"Why you look like you ate a sour grape?" Fran asked Momo, as she shook her head. "Feet killing you?" Momo nodded, as Fran took her tray from Momo. "Go back and rest a bit. Your feet swells like watermelons and we nearly had to call the horse rancher last time to help get your flats off."

"Thanks Fran," Momo told her, going to the back and grabbing some of bacon before slipping to the back of the building. Unknown to her, there was someone studying her every move.
Momo has her flats off, as she was sitting on a huge crate, letting the swelling go down. Mary did check up on her a few minutes ago, making sure she didn't passed out. She was munching on the bacon, watching the little children from afar, learning to ride a horse. She had a smile on her face, as she could imagine her little sunshine riding a horse with her watching.

"One day, when you get older, you can ride a horse. Eomma would love to go riding with you, but she will have to learn as well." Momo rubbed her bump and giggled. She stopped rubbing and sat up to continue to watch with a smile.

"I know that smile anywhere," a voice called out to her, as Momo frozen. Her smile slowly vanished from her face, as she kept looking at the children. "Of all places, I would not imagine you here. We must have luck on our side." Momo hurried and got her flats on and tried to make it to the kitchen, but was blocked by him. Momo backed away and then realized she was pregnant and showing. She tried to covered her bump with her arms, but he already laid eyes on the bump. He moved to placed his hands on her shoulders, staring at the little bump.

"You are...I really it his...and does he..." he was trying to spit out his words, but he was in shock to see her in this state.

"Yes MJ," Momo began, trying not to cry. "Eunwoo got this piece of junk pregnant with his child and he doesn't know."

"Why did you run away from everything, us, Eunwoo? You don't know why worry we all were for you."

"I'm not going to ruined his career," Momo told him. "He is happy with his career, living the dream he always want. He doesn't need to be tied down with some piece of junk."

"Why..." Momo cut him off.

"He could do better with any girl in the world than me. I'm just a worthless girl who can only dance. My singing and rapping is terrible. I don't have the model looks like every girl idol. I can't even make Eunwoo smile like I have in the past, because I'm not smart enough to keep up with his standards. Sure it was one night we share, but it was the best one night I ever had." Momo took a deep breath to control herself. "You never saw me. Momo doesn't existed in this world anymore. Go on and live your dreams, I have to rebuild mine for my sunshine." MJ let go of Momo and she went to the door of the kitchen. "For the record, I'm four months pregnant and don't know the gender." She went in the kitchen, leaving MJ there.

Unknown to them, Eunwoo was hiding behind the wall, listening to everything. His fist was in a ball, as he was keeping himself from crying.

"I am bring my Peach and Sunshine home where they belong and will Amir everything right again," Eunwoo vowed to himself, as he looked serious. "I do care for you Momo, but you left me before I could tell you. You aren't leaving my sight ever again."
The End!
Eunwoo: Wait, that can't be the end?
Mark: She has been leaving cliffhangers on a few.
The readers has to vote and let me know for a part 2.
Moonbin: Please I have to know!!! Plus I'm still waiting for a few parts to be done.
Dude, I got a lot of new ships and I think the wheel is like begging no more...but I don't care.
RM: one day I will get a part.
Kun: I have been waiting.
The wheel tells all! Taeyong, spin it!
Taeyong: -spin- wow look how colorful this wheel goes.
Dino: oh...rainbow.
Okay hint: it's a Seventeen member, but who?! Find out soon. Comment and vote...oh thank you everyone -bowing down- we got 1k of votes! Thank you so much! 80 parts as well! 10k view!!! -explodes in excitement-
Yoongi: we need to put her back together. Please comment and vote. Woozi, get the duct tape, Jungkook, need 5000 cc of orange juice, Johnny, Jaehyun, and Yuta, go gather her parts. This is going to be a long night!
Chaeyoung: Bye sweetie sweetie

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