Turn Back Time *H.MM x P.JM* Part 2

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Jimin woke up, as he felt someone next to him. He slowly opened his eyes to see Momo sleeping next to him. Her head was on his chest, listening to his heart beat. Jimin smiled and closed his eyes again. This is nice for him, waking up to his beautiful girlfriend. Wait...Jimin sat up from the bed in a hurry, making Momo wake up as well.

Momo is dead, he was just at her funeral yesterday. He was in tears, seeing her casket being carry to the hearse, which was flying her body back to Japan for her final resting place. There is no way Momo is alive and with him right now. This has to be a dream.

"Minnie...what's wrong?" She asked, with sleep still in her voice and rubbing her eyes to wake up. Jimin just stared at Momo, as she leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Morning love." Jimin felt the kiss, as he just started to cry. Momo was confused, as she wrapped her arms around him. "Jimin, what's wrong?" He held her close, afraid she will disappear on him. She wiped his tears away, as he peppered kisses all over her face. She was still alive and in his arms. He must have a terrible dream.

"I'm fine, I'm just so happy to see you," he said, as Momo smiled at him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. I'm going to get breakfast ready for us. You do have a busy day," Momo slowly got out of bed and threw on her robe. She exited the room to go and prepare breakfast. Jimin can finally relax that everything was a dream and he and Momo were together again. He grabbed his phone that was on the table next to her and hit the power button. He looked at the time but the date was the one that made him jump out of bed.

The date was the same day he broke up with Momo. He remember that day clearly. He went to practice all day and came home, only to pack and leave her at dinner. He knew she would be heartbroken, but will never reveal her illness to him. Visions of the funeral came to his mind, as he threw on a shirt and run to the kitchen. He slip his phone in his PJ pocket pants. He usually would take a shower then come to the kitchen, but he isn't doing his normal routine today.

Jimin made it to the kitchen to see Momo throwing up in the sink. He ran over to her and rubbed her back. Momo gasped to see Jimin next to her.

"Princess, you all right?" He asked her, as Momo nodded.

"I'm sorry, I just haven't been well. I might be getting a cold," Momo said, as Jimin looked at her to see she did look pale.

"Come on go back to bed. I will take care of breakfast," he told her, kissing her forehead. "I'm goin to call in today and care for you."

"Oh Jimin, you don't have to," she said. Jimin remember seeing Momo's lifeless body at the funeral. It was the only time her casket was open and how he notice how sick she look. He doesn't want to see that look on Momo's face again.

"No, Princess. You are more important than practice. Now, off to bed. I will make you something yummy and will be up there for cuddles." Momo smiled at him and nodded. She went off to the bedroom, as Jimin called Namjoon.

"I'm not going to be going to practice today. Momo is really ill and I don't want to leave her home alone," Jimin said, making some eggs and toasts.

"Practice won't be long..." began Namjoon, as Jimin was just imagining if he go, his mind will think he needs to leave her. Now that she showing signs of her illness, he doesn't dare to have her leave his sight. This must be a test for their love for one another. It's like he is given another chance to save her.

"I'm sorry Namjoon, my Princess really does need me. I'm not going to fail her...like I did before," he said, just thinking back to her funeral. "I will make it up to you, but trust me."

"All right Jimin, hope Momo gets better soon."

"She will." I will make sure of it.
"Thank you, love, breakfast was delicious," Momo said, as Jimin put the dish on the table. "I'm feeling a tab better, so you should get ready for practice." Jimin sat with her in bed and held her close.

"I called Namjoon and told him I'm not coming today. I want to take care of my girl." Jimin got a cool rag and wiped her forehead. "You are going to be fine, Momo. You are going to continue your treatments and I will be with you." Momo looked up at him with a shock look on her face.

"How did you know..." she began, as Jimin just held her tight.

"Please don't stop treatment. I can't bare the sight of losing you. I will be with you through everything. We are a couple and we need to tell each other the truth," he said, kissing her cheek. "To be honest, I was thinking about ending it but I had to think. If I did leave, then what will benefit us. It would not, I would lose the love of my life." He wiped away Momo's tears, "We need each other more than ever."

"Oh Jimin, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want you to worry," she said, as he held her close. "You have a lot on your plate and with me being ill..."

"Hey, you are number one to me. If you are sick, I will care for you." Momo snuggled closer to him, as he closed his eyes. "We will go to the doctor his afternoon. I want you to get some sleep."
Jimin woke up with a smile on his face. He shift a little bit, but he didn't feel warm next to him. He slowly open his eyes to see he was alone in bed. He looked around, as he was in his own apartment.

"No, no, no!" He said, getting out of bed in a hurry. He grabbed his phone to check the date. It was a week after Momo's funeral. "Please no...don't do this to me," he whispered, as the door to his bedroom opened up. He turned to see who was at the door.

There you go! Part 2!
Jimin: wait wait wait!!! Who is at my door?
It's can be anyone.
Jimin: first you made the first part sad and now you left it on a cliffhanger! You monster!
What it wasn't sad?
Sorry I'm a bit behind on sequel week. I haven't been well and this is the first time I felt decent. And it's a three day weekend for me so I will catch up.

Thanks for reading. Comment and vote
Bye sweetie sweetie.

-Jimin attack author-
Jimin: I want a happy ending!!!

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