Cry *H.MM x L.CH*

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That forever was in your eyes. The moment I saw you cry - Mandy Moore - Cry

"Hey there, when are you coming home?" Momo asked Ten, as she was getting comfortable in bed.

"I hope to be home next week," he said, "We have to finish filming our new music video and one more show to do."

"I can't wait for you to be home, even if it's for a bit."

"I know I miss my wifey. Tomorrow is your last day of filming right?"

"Yes, I am so happy. My body needs some rest after some stunts I had to do." Momo and her group were finishing filming their own music video, which involves a lot of actions. "I can't wait for you to see the results."

"I know me too. When I get back let's go out to dinner. Anything you want my wifey."

"Really, are you a part of the menu."

"Yah! You been hanging around with Johnny too much! I'm going to smack him when I get home! How dare he corrupt my beautiful and innocent wifey." Momo giggled at him, as he kept going on.

"Actually I learn that from Taeil," she said, as Ten gasped in surprise. "But honestly, I just want to stay home with you and cuddle for the first night. We can have dinner the next night."

"I would cuddle you anytime and anywhere. I love you, my wifey."

"I love you too, my husband."
"Okay, that's a wrap!" The director called out, everyone was happy the video is done. Momo was on a rooftop for a few shots, as she sighed and rest her hands on her knees for a moment. She can finally get off this roof and back on the ground. She hates heights, but they wanted some cool shots. Momo sucked it up and did them. She was about to walk towards the safety cart, as she could heard the roof creaking under her. After taking three steps, the creaking turn into crackling. Momo didn't have time to let out a scream, as the roof collapsed under her feet and sending her down. She fell at least fifty feet straight down and landed on the ground hard.

"Momo!" Jihyo yelled out, running over to her. Staff members were running around, as Jihyo got to Momo. Momo was on her side, struggling to keep awake. Jihyo got to her side and help Momo turn onto her back. Momo was staring at Jihyo, trying to control her breathing with blood coming down her face. "It's okay, we are going to get you out of here." Momo struggled, as she moved her hands away from her left side of her stomach, as Jihyo gasped. Somehow when Momo fell there were some debris all over the ground. Momo must have landed just right onto a stake, as it impale her.

"Ten..." Momo mumbled out, tasting blood in her mouth. "Tell him..." Jihyo hushed her to save her strength. Jihyo slowly moved her hand to the stake and looked at Momo. Momo gave her a nod, as Jihyo pulled as hard as she could to get the stake out. Momo was yelling in pain, as Jihyo managed to get the stake out. She placed her hands on the wound to keep the blood in, as medics were coming.
Ten's phone was going off like crazy, as the boys were still filming.

"Ten, either you turn off that phone or else I will smash it," said the manager. Ten hurried to his phone and was going to turn it off but saw all the miss calls he had. He hit the last person who called him, as his managers just shook his head.

"Ten! Good god, you finally answer," cried Sana, as he was really confused. "You need to come home now."


"It's Momo, we don't know if she will make it." Ten nearly dripped his phone on that statement.

"What do you mean?"

"Momo got into a serious accident! Get home now!"

It didn't take Ten long to get his bag and made it to the airport. All the members of WayV joined him, as he was a nervous wreck on the way back. Sana didn't go into detail on Momo, as she couldn't stop crying. What happen to his wifey?

Soon he was already running down the halls of the hospital to get to Momo's room. He hurried to open the door and saw the sight in front of him and actually made him fall to his knees. Momo was lying in bed with her head in bandages and an oxygen mask on. Ten managed to get back up and walked over to her. He took her hand and gave it a kiss.

"Hi wifey, I'm home now," he whispered to her. The doctor came in and explained to Ten what happen to Momo. Ten kept his hand into Momo's, giving it a squeeze every now and then.

"She is so lucky, she didn't hurt the baby," The doctor said, as Ten looked at him with wide eyes. "Yes she is six weeks pregnant, I'm guess either of you didn't know. She is out of danger with the baby. It will be a matter of time before she wakes up." The doctor left, as Ten took a seat next to Momo and sighed. He rest his head on the bed, holding her hand to his cheek.
A few days later, Momo opened her eyes and looked around. She saw Ten sleeping in the chair, with his hand still in hers. She could see tear tracks on his face, which made her sad. She gave it a squeeze, as he slowly woke up. He turned to see her looking at him. He stood up and went over and placed a few kisses on her face.

"Let me go get the doctor, wifey." He was going to let go, but she held on tighter. "Please Momo..." Momo moved her hand up to his face and wiped away the tears. "You wouldn't supposed to see that. God Momo, I was terrify when I saw you. I thought I was going to lose you and the baby." Momo's eyes widen when he said baby. "Yes, my wifey, we are going to have a baby. The baby is fine and you are too. I wouldn't imagine my life without the two of you." He started to cry again, as he held her hand to his cheek. "You are the most important person in my life. I love dearly and want to spend my life with you. I already took time off to help you recover and plan for the baby arrival." Momo just smiled at him, as he kissed her hand. "No more rooftops for you." Momo nodded, as Ten kissed her forehead. "Now let's get the doctor so we can get out of here. Our bed is calling our name and believe me, being in that chair is not good for my back."

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 1 (Complete)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora