Jealous *H.MM x X.MH*

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Am I crazy? Have I lost ya? Even though I know you love me, can't help it - Nick Jonas - Jealous

"Are you ready to see Appa, Renjun," Momo asked her five month old son, Renjun, as she was putting his shoes on. Renjun made a sound of joy, reaching for Momo. Momo picked up up and showered him with kisses on the cheeks. "My little boy."

After Momo and Minghao got married, she fell pregnant with little Renjun. It was a tough pregnancy for her, as she was sick most of the time and on bedrest. Minghao was with her every step of the way. He was thrilled to know he is having a son and picked out the name. Renjun. Momo had to take an absence of her group when she felt pregnant. JYP and the girls were wonderful helping her, as well as Minghao and his members. Their families were so happy to have a grandson and spoiled him rotten with gifts for the baby shower. The true blessing was Momo going into labor and was in labor with him for 10 hours. It was the longest and most painful 10 hours of her life. Minghao was with her through the 10 hours, holding her hand and making her feel as comfortable as she could. When Renjun came into the world, both young parents were proud of their son.

Yet the first moments of their life as parents were interesting. Momo got to hold Renjun first, as he was calm and quiet. Yet when Minghao held his son, he was fussy and crying. Minghao was in a panic, as he didn't know why his son was crying. Over the few months of his life, it was still the same. Renjun would scream and cry when Minghao holds him, but with Momo, he is the perfect angel. Minghao could have swore Renjun had an evil grin on his face. Momo told him that he does not and loves his father like his mother.
"Surprise Appa," said Momo in a cute voice, as Minghao turned to see Momo and Renjun at the door of their practice room. Minghao hurry over to them, before any of his members could and gave Momo a kiss on the lips. Renjun huffed, as he whined a bit in Momo's arms.

"Oh it's all right, baby," said Momo, rocking him a bit. "He was really excited to see his Appa today." Momo handed him to Minghao, as Renjun fussed a bit.

"Our son hates me for some reason," Minghao said, rocking him a bit, as Renjun was still fussing. "I give him love and he just fuss." Momo sighed, as Minghao tries his best with their son. Momo wrapped her arm around Minghao and kissed his cheek.

"You are the best father to our son. He is just going to a phase," Momo told him, as Minghao nodded.

"I just it is a phase," he said, as Renjun look up at him with a sour look. All the other members came over to coo over Renjun. He smiled at them, as he loves attention. He reach out of the closest member, which is Joshua, as Minghao let Joshua hold him. Renjun had a smile on his face, as Joshua gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I am really starting to think he doesn't like me at all."

"He loves his Appa, Babe. I know he does, just be a little patience."
Minghao had the day off, as Momo had to go to JYP for a meeting. This means he is going to be alone with Renjun. Momo already left, as he heard Renjun's cry from the nursery. Minghao went to the room and found him crying in his crib. He went over and picked up him. His crying when a little down, but he was still upset.

"Come on little man," he told Renjun, going to change him and then feeding him. Renjun was still fussing, as he was searching for Momo. "Eomma went to a meeting." Renjun wasn't happy, as he cried a bit. Minghao sat down in the rocking chair and sighed. "I don't know why you hate me. I love so much like Eomma loves you." He kissed his son's head, as Renjun whined.

"I remember when your Eomma told me she was pregnant with you," he began. "I was over the moon. We been together for so long and we finally got to start a family. I took care of your Eomma so well. Got her whatever she want to eat, even though she like hot paste with her cucumber. She ate weird things with you. I always run her belly, talking to you how you are going to be strong and handsome." He brushed Renjun's hair with his fingers, as he was actually calming down.

"Maybe you didn't like me when I scolded you for kicking Eomma too hard at times. Yet I loved to feel your little kicks in her belly, letting me know you're here. You got so many gifts from everyone, we didn't have to get a lot. You are loved by your grandparents, all your aunts and uncles, especially Eomma and I. When Eomma was recovering, I would always sit with you like I am now, rocking you to comfort you." He pulled Renjun up to his chest to let him listen to his heartbeat.

"My heart is always going to beat for you and Eomma." Renjun listened to Minghao's heartbeat and was finally calm. "Was this you wanted to hear, your Appa's love for you." Renjun put his hand in his mouth, as he continued to listen. "You are my little angel and I love you." Renjun's eyes slowly closed, as he fell asleep, clutching Minghao's shirt.

"Looks like you had a talk with our son," whispered Momo, coming in the room. Minghao smiled, looking down at their son.

"We did and I think we had an understanding." Momo kissed Renjun's head and gave her husband a kiss on the lips.

"I told you it is just a phase. Everything work out in the end." Minghao just watch his son, sleeping.

"Yeah you are always right."

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