True Love *H.MM x K.JW*

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At the same time, I wanna hug you . I wanna wrap my hands around your neck. - Pink - True Love

"So glad to be back in Korea," said Jungwoo, as they got to their dorms. "I can't wait to spend some time with my little Peach." The group got to their door to see a note hanging there. Taeyong grabbed the note and read it.

"It's for you," said Taeyong, handing the note to him. He opened the note, as he saw it was Momo's handwriting. He smiled, as he read the note.

My dearest Jungwoo,

I'm sorry I couldn't be here when you return. My group decide to go on tour as well. I'm sorry my love, but please wait until I return. I have a lot to tell you and something to give you. I love you my dearest Jungwoo. Please wait for your darling Momo.

With love,

"I have to wait three months for my Peach," he whined. The members sighed, as they were in for a long ass ride. (Mark:...really?)

"You had to wait for three months already, what's another three months going to do?" Haechan said. Jungwoo whined and threw himself against Yuta.

"I want my Momo now," he whined, holding onto Yuta close. Yuta grunted, trying to breath.

"If he is like this for the next three months, we are all going to be dead," Yuta was able to get out, as he dragged Jungwoo in the dorm.
"Momoring, your phone is going off," said Chaeyoung, as Momo went over to her phone to see it was Johnny calling her. She was a little puzzled, as she hit the button and Johnny's face appeared on screen.

"Please help us," Johnny said, moving the phone a bit to see Jungwoo, holding onto Doyoung tight. "He has been like this for a week and we are about to go crazy." Momo just giggled, as Jungwoo's ears picked it up.

"Momo?" He released Doyoung, who finally could breath, as Jungwoo ran around the dorm. "Where are you my love?"  Johnny's face appeared back on the screen with a concern look.

"Help us!" Chaeyoung appeared next to Momo, watching NCT 127 trying to get Jungwoo to calm down.

"Oh Jungwoo!" She called to him, as Jungwoo stopped running and looked over to Johnny. Momo waved at him, as Jungwoo ran over to Johnny. He part the sea, mainly knocking Taeyong and Mark down.

"Jungwoo, that's my Taeyong you..." Johnny didn't get to finish, as Jungwoo grabbed the phone and knock Johnny away.

"Momo!" He screamed in joy, looking lovely at his girlfriend. "I miss you so much. You should have been here to greet me. Are you doing well? Eating well? You aren't getting overtired now? I can send you goodies! Where can I send them? Do you need..."

"Jungwoo, relax," Momo spoke to him, trying to get him calm down. "Everything is fine. I wanted to be there when you came back, but we couldn't stay long. But I will be back in three months..."

"But I will die in three months. It will be nearly six months since we saw each other," whined Jungwoo, starting to feel down. The members could tell he was getting down, as Mark stepped into the conversation.

"Ah, Momo, Jungwoo-hyung really missed you and would love to see you, even if it is just a short amount of time." Momo and Chaeyoung spoke to each other quietly. All the members were praying to the Heavens Momo could spare some time for Jungwoo. Or it is going to a long three months.

"We are coming back to Korea for a week before we have to go to America..." began Momo.

"When are you going to be here?" Jungwoo said.

"In three weeks." The members took a deep breath knowing three weeks is long for them, even longer for Jungwoo. "But I do have something for you." Momo and Chaeyoung were being called, as Momo looked back at them. "It's on your third shelf in your room. Bye bye love you." The phone call stopped, as Jungwoo ran towards his room, knocking Taeyong down for the second time.

Jungwoo got into his room and saw what she left him.

"It's her favorite teddy bear," he said, going over to the beat and picking it up

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"It's her favorite teddy bear," he said, going over to the beat and picking it up. "She would never let anyone touch this." He hugged the teddy bear close, as he can smell peaches all over it. "My Momo truly loves me to hold something this precious to her." Jungwoo skipped out of his room with a huge smile on his face. "Look What Momo left me!" He swung the bear around to show, only to have Taeil get hit.

"Isn't that Momo's bear, the one she loves so dearly," said Yuta, trying to touch it. Jungwoo bit Yuta's finger, as Yuta screamed.

"No touch," he said to everyone. "Momo trust me with her teddy bear. If anything happens to the bear, she will dumped me and all of you will suffer my wrath," he yelled, as all of them were scared at him. He is the sweetest member, but anything with Momo, he can be everyone's worst nightmare.
Three Weeks Later
"She is coming!" Jungwoo screamed, throughout the dorm, waking everyone up. Jungwoo finally get to see his girlfriend and everyone couldn't be happy for him. Their sanity were at its wits end.

"Everything needs to be perfect," he said, "Momo is going to be here in three hours." Taeyong groaned, as he slowly got out of bed. Johnny whined, wanting his Taeyong next to him.

"Get up and let's get this over with. He will be good for a while once he sees Momo," said Taeyong, trying to get Johnny out of bed. Soon all of NCT 127 were cleaning the dorm and preparing lunch. Three hours later, the dorm was clean, food was on the table, and everyone looks good.

"I can't wait to see my Momo," he said, holding the teddy bear close. The door knocked, as he flung the bear up in the air, as Jaehyun caught the bear. Jungwoo opened the door and saw Momo standing there with a smile. "My love," he said, pulling her close to him and hugging her. "I missed you so much." He placed a few kisses on her face and pulled her in. He saw Jaehyun holding the bear and got fire in his eyes. "Jaehyun!!! Why you holding Momo's bear! Only I can." Momo giggled, as she held her boyfriend back from murdering his member. Jaehyun was in fear, as he held the bear towards Momo.

"Please forgive me," he begged, as Momo rolled her eyes.

"It's just a teddy bear," she said, taking the bear from him. "But Jungwoo, why aren't you wearing the necklace I got you?" Jungwoo looked confused, as Momo pointed to the bear. On the bear's neck was a dog tag necklace with Momo's name on there. "That's what my gift to you." Everyone fell in disbelief, as they all thought it was the bear. "I'm glad my bear is safe but..."

"I'm so sorry, my love," he said, taking the necklace off the bear and put it on. "I thought it was a part of the bear. Please forgive your stupid boyfriend." He was on his knees, begging.

"Please forgive him. We don't want him to drive us insane," begged Mark. Momo just got Jungwoo up and gave him a kiss.

"There isn't anything to be sorry about," she said. Jungwoo smiled at her, getting the bear and tossing it over his head. It hit Yuta on the head, as Momo pouted at Jungwoo. "It's still my favorite bear and this is how you treat it. I'm never leaving anything precious to me with you again." Jungwoo whined and hugged his Momo. Momo just smiled at him, returning the hug.

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 1 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now