Perfect Moment *H.MM x L.DH* part 2

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"Haechan," Johnny whispered to him, shaking his shoulder. Haechan slowly opened his eyes and saw Johnny. "Come on, dinner is ready. You and Momo need to wash your hands. You know how Taeyong is." Haechan yawned and nodded at Johnny, as he turned to see his Princess still sleeping. She hasn't moved from her spot, still holding his hand tight. Johnny pat his head and gave him a smile. "You did good, Haechan." Haechan nodded, as everyone else fill him in about what happen. Johnny left the room, as Haechan gently woke Momo up. Her eyes opened up and looked up at Haechan. How he just wanted to give her a kiss, as she look so innocent.

"Dinner is ready," he told her, as she nodded. They slowly got out of the bed, as she moved to hold his hand.

"I'm scared..." she admitted to him, as Haechan gave her a smile.

"It's all right, they would never hurt a fly...." They heard yelling coming down the hall.

"Mark, I'm going to kick your ass if you drink my flavor water one more time," yelled Yuta.

"Well tell Johnny-hyung when he stop stealing my water, I will stop taking yours."

"I swear I'm going to smack you two with this metal spoon if you don't shut up," Doyoung yelled at both. Momo looked at him scared and she was shaking again.

"Hey Momo, relax," he was calming her down. There is no way he can bring her out there and suffered another panic attack. Haechan loves his hands and cradled her face, making her look at him. "Princess, relax for me." Momo heard the nickname he said, but coming from his mouth she felt calm. She was controlling her breathing, as he rest his forehead against hers. "How about I get dinner and we can eat here. Once you are ready, we can come out and meet the guys." Momo gave him a nod.

"Thank you." His heart swells hearing her cute voice, as he let Momo sit on the bed and gave her a plushie to hold.

"I will be back all right." She nodded, as he left the room and went to the kitchen where Taeyong was serving the food.

"There you are..." he looked to see Momo wasn't with him. "Where is Momo?"

"She is still shaken right now. Do you think we can have dinner in my room? I know you hate us eating, but I don't want to bring her out if she isn't ready." Taeyong just pat Haechan on the head with a smile.

"You have grown up so much," Taeyong told him. "You were scared to even talk to a girl and now you are doing a fine job caring for one. Especially your crush."

"Does everyone knows?" He thought he was keeping his feeling hidden.

"I think some does, but not all. Johnny and I have notice quite some time. We thought it was just puppy love as you always have your eyes on her." Haechan blushed at his statement.

"You don't think it's odd for me to like an older woman?"

"Age is just a number, Donghyuck. I don't find it odd at all as long as you're happy. Come, let's get you two some dinner." Taeyong and Haechan carries the food to his room, as Momo was sitting patiently on the bed. Taeyong placed the food on the small table and left them alone.

"Let's eat!" He said, giving her a smile. Momo moved over to him and he gave her a plate of food. They sat down on the ground, leaning back on his bed to enjoy their meal and company.
Taeyong and Johnny were washing and drying dishes, as they heard footsteps coming towards them. They turned to see Momo, standing there with dirty dishes in hands. Her eyes were glaze down a bit, as she spoke.

"I didn't want to leave...them in the room. Donghyuck fell asleep and I..." she looked up at them with nervous eyes.

"Thank you," said Taeyong, taking the dishes from her. She stood there nervous, as Johnny watched his movement over to her.

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