What Makes You Beautiful *H.MM x C.BG*

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You'd understand why I want you so desperately. Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe - One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful

"Come on Tzuyu!" Momo cheered on Tzuyu, as she was trying to get a plushie from the claw game. Tzuyu was failing, as the plushie fell back in the pile. The girls were backstage of the music show, waiting to perform.

"I give up," she said, kicking the machine and leaving to cool off. Momo pouted, as she looked at the plushies inside the machine.

"But I want the puppy," she looked at the pink puppy plush in there. Momo was t good at claw games and none of her members wanted to help her, except Tzuyu, but not anymore. Not too far from her, TxT we're watching them. Yeonjun pushed Beomgyu towards her, as he looked at him nervously. He motioned him to go forward, as he did.

"Momo-Noona," he spoke up, as Momo turned away from the machine to look at him. "I can help you get a plushie." Momo's eyes sparkles at him, as she had a smile on her face.

"Really?!" Beomgyu almost tripped over to the claw machine, after seeing her smile.

"Y..yes...yes..." he stuttered in front of her. "Which one do...you..you like?" Momo pointed to the pink puppy, as he put a coin in the machine. It only took him one try, as he got the puppy and it fell in the bin. He got it and hand the plushie to Momo. She giggle in joy, as she took the puppy.

"Thank you, you are so amazing," she told him with a smile. He was turning red, scratching the back of his head.

"It was nothing...Noona. I...I saw you wanted...a plushie...and..." Momo giggled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His whole body froze and his face was red beyond red. Momo heard her name being called, meaning it was time for them to go onstage in five.

"I'm going call him Beom-Beom," she told him, waving the cute plushie arm at Beomgyu. "Thank you again." Momo skipping over to Chaeyoung and Mina to show off her new plushie. The members hurried to Beomgyu's aid, as he hasn't move since the kiss on the cheek.

"Hyung," Taehyun said, poking his cheek. Beomgyu fell forward and crash to the ground. The members hurried to pick up their fallen, as they managed to get him to sit up. "Hyung speak to me!!!" He shook Beomgyu back and forth to get him to snap out of his trance.

"She kissed me," he said, looking love-struck. "Hirai Momo kissed me on the cheek." He put a hand on the cheek Momo kissed him on. "I'm never washing this cheek again."

"Well he got pass step one," said Soobin. "Now step two, bringing him back to reality."
The show was almost over, as all the idols were on stage. Twice were right next to TxT, how ironic they would be in alphabetical order. Momo was standing next to Beomgyu, who finally recovered from her charms to perform later on. Momo was holding her hands together, feeling nervous. She doesn't like the end of the show, because there were fireworks. Momo is terrified of fireworks, but she has to be brave. She has embarrassed herself a few times with fireworks and there is even a video of her freaking out. She didn't want to disappoint anyone, but she might die on the spot with all the explosions around her.

They started to go off, as she literally flinch at every explosion. Momo was trying so hard not to cry, as her hands were gripping the side of her skirt tight. Momo just wanted to go into a tight ball, waiting for it to end her life. Then she felt a warm hand over hers. She turned her hand to see Beomgyu standing there with a smile on his face. He slowly move Momo to hide behind Soobin, who is tall. He used his free hand to wipe her tears away, which is forming in her eyes.

"It's all right," he mouthed to her, moving his hand to Soobin's back to keep him in place. He scoot Momo closer to him, still not letting go of her hand. Momo kept flinching with the fireworks going off. He squeezed her hand, letting her know she was safe. Momo buried her face in his arm, holding his hand for dear life. They kept going back and forth squeezing their hands, as the fireworks finally stopped. He kept a hold of Soobin, as they shuffled off the stage. Momo went for the ride, as she didn't want her members to see the stage she is in.

"It's all right, Noona. We are safe now," he told her, as she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said in a sad voice. "I didn't mean..." Beomgyu smile at her and squeeze her hand.

"No, I was happy to help you. I know you aren't fond to fireworks." Momo nodded at him.

"Thank you, how can I repay you?" Beomgyu was going to tell her no, but she continued. "Oh I know!" She dragged him over to the claw machine, as he looked puzzled. "Tell me which one." Beomgyu looked at the machine and pointed at the blue puppy. Momo nodded, as she put a coin in. Momo concentrate really hard, as Beomgyu watched her. In one hit, Momo got the plushie and it dropped in the bin. "Wow, can't believe I got that in one try," she mumbled to herself. She got the plushie and held it to him. "Now we have matching plushies!"

Beomgyu took the plushie, as Momo smile at him. "Thank you so much, Beomgyu-kun!" She gave him a peace sign, as he was shock.

"You...knew my name," he stuttered, as Momo nodded.

"Of course, I love your song 'Crown,' and plus," she got all shy and spoke, "you are cute and love your dimples." He look stunned at her, as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Momo could hear Mina calling for her, as Momo got a piece of paper and pen. She wrote something on there and hand it to Beomgyu. "Let's message each other later!" She gave him another kiss on his cheek and ran off to Mina. His members were watching from a distance, as they had their phones recording or snapping pictures. Beomgyu looked at the paper and nearly had a heart attack. She actually gave him her number. His mouth kept opening up like a fish, as he was speechless.

"I smell romance in the near future," said Yeonjun, snapping a picture of his stun members.

Beomgyu looked at the plushie and smiled. "Come on Momoring, let's message Noona."

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