Cinderella *H.MM x P.CY*

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I'm sorry to say, i'm runnin' away now... don't worry, you will be alright - Britney Spears - Cinderella

Momo sat on her bed in her room. It was a small room, enough for a bed, dresser, and some of her personal belongings. Momo was a slave to be exact, a slave since she was born. Her mother was a slave and died a slave. She took over her mother's work for the family to pay her debt, the Parks. They aren't mean to her, but kind, as Momo did know her place in the world. She doesn't speak against them, does want she needs to do, and does not disobey her masters.

She knows soon she will finally pay her family's debt to be free, but where will she go. She only know how to serve others, not herself. She always have Dream to find someone to love her like she has seen with her masters. Yet, who would want a girl like her. She can't read and write, as she wasn't taught. She only knows how to clean and cook. Momo is pretty much useless except for being a maid. Momo looked at her calendar to see her 21st birthday was coming in two weeks. She knew her debt will be pay off and she can be free, but could she?
Momo was prepare lunch for the family, as the kitchen door open to reveal Chanyeol, one of the sons she serves. Momo gave him a bow, as she continued to work on lunch.

"Good afternoon Master Chanyeol," said Momo, "Lunch will be ready in a few minutes." She felt him coming from behind and wrapping his arms around her waist. Momo felt her cheeks getting red, as he kissed her on the cheek.

"Momo, didn't I tell you many times you don't have to be formal when we are alone," he whispered to her, as Momo nodded. "We have know each other forever, you don't have to be shy around me."

"I'm sorry, Chanyeol," she replied, looking up at him. "But I do need to get lunch ready for the family."

"After I get some energy from you," he answered, "I had a long day already." Chanyeol leaned down and kissed her, as she returned the kiss. He pulled away and smile at her. "Thanks Princess, I feel so much better."

"I'm no princess and you know it," she said, removing herself to finish lunch.

"But to me you are my princess. In two weeks, I can finally let everyone know I'm in love with you and going to make you my wife." He leaned towards her and kiss her cheek. "Just be patience." He left the kitchen, as Momo sighed.

This relationship has been going on for four years now. They kept it in secret, but still nobody is going to approved them. He is a noble and she is just a slave. She only went along to keep her master happy. Momo does care and love him, but she wants what is best for him. Chanyeol has been nothing but sweet to her. He gets her things, as she can't get him anything. The only thing she was lucky to get him with her hard earn money was a little teddy bear for his birthday last year.

"Just two more weeks and I will be free."
"Chanyeol, why do you want to celebrate your birthday early?" His mother asked, as Momo was cleaning up their lunch meal. "We also celebrated your birthday at the end of the month."

"I know but we are going to be busy going overseas soon, so I thought it would be nice to celebrate early." Momo gathered the plates and went in the kitchen.

"Is it because Momo will be leaving us soon," his father asked. "I know she been in our family for a long time, but she will have repay her family debt to be free."

"Mother, Father, I..." he began, as his mother smiled.

"We already know you love Momo." He looked at him in surprise. "We notice the way you look at her and how you are always protecting her. Now your father and I did talk about it and we are thrill for you to finally add her to our family officially, but she has to be free first."

"I know, that's why I want to celebrate early. On her birthday, I want to declare my love for her."

"We understand some. We love Momo like she is one of the family," said his father. Chanyeol smiled, as his parents were good with him in love with a slave. Now he only have to wait to proclaim his love to the world.
Her birthday was three days away, as well as Chanyeol's early birthday celebration. The family was out in town, as Momo was bringing in the laundry. She set the laundry down, as the front door of the home flew open. Momo jumped in fright, as a few men came in the home. One man she knew who it was, Byun Baekhyun, Chanyeol's rival since he was a kid. The other men were messing up the house and scaring the other slaves to hiding.

"So this is the person he loves, a slave," said Baekhyun, as Momo stepped back. "At least he pick someone who is cute." Baekhyun tried to grab her, as Momo dodged him. "You aren't getting away from me." Momo shook her head and run away from him, but Baekhyun was faster than her. He grabbed her, while she was struggling against him. "I didn't want to do this to you, but you left me with no choice." He pulled out a cloth with chloroform on it and placed it over Momo's nose and mouth. She continued to struggle, but the smell was finally getting getting to her. She fell limp in his arm and passed out. He dropped the cloth and picked her up. "Let's go. I got what I need." He dug in his pocket and drop a note on the ground. He carried Momo out of the home, as one of her flat came off and fell on the ground.
"Do you think everyone will hate me when I tell them the news," Chanyeol asked his parents, as they were returning home.

"I doubt it. A lot of people do end up with their slaves one way or another." Chanyeol smiles, as he had a ring in his hand to give to Momo in three days. They got home to see it was a mess. Chanyeol and his mother got out of the car and hurry inside. The rest of the slaves were trying to clean up. "What happened?"

"Mister Byun and his men broke in the home and destroy a lot of things, Mistress," said a slave named Mark. Chanyeol looked around and he didn't see Momo at all.

"Where is Momo?" Mark looked up at him and held a note in his hand to him.

"Mister Byun took her and left this." Chanyeol took the note and open it.

"Now I have the upper hand. She is mine now." Chanyeol threw the note to the ground, as he was furious. Nobody need about him and Momo except his parents and maybe a few other slaves, but they would not tell anyone. Chanyeol ran outside and saw her flat was laying on the ground. He knew it was Momo's as she love her red flats he got her a few months ago. He picked it up and took a deep breath.

"Baekhyun is going down. I will get you back, Momo. I promise."
Baekhyun: Wah! Why am I the bad guy?!
-Jamming out to Jopping-
Chanyeol: She isn't paying attention. She been jamming to SuperM all day.
Jaemin: Oh oh! If anyone doesn't know by now, she did a new book for the Hirai Momo's Fan Club!!! Please go and check it out. She said it will be a bit different from the two parts she did.
Felix: Comment and vote. We are 10 away from 125!!!! That means it's a special part. Hope it's me again.
Yoongi: Go and play in the sandbox. It will be me.
Ten: no me!!!!!
Wonwoo: I don't mind another part!
Jaehyun: you got one already! Me!
Taemin: She was talking about the next chapter is the love triangle...well her attempt.
Chaeyoung: bye sweetie sweetie

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