Black Magic *H.MM x J.JY*

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"For a spell that can't be broken. One drop should be enough." - Little Mix - Black Magic


That is all Momo has heard for the past two years at school. Everyone is always bullying her because she is shy and lets everyone walks on her. Momo kept her head down and push her glasses up, as she head to her next class. She felt someone bumped and she fell to the ground. Her glasses came off and someone stepped on it. She sighed, as she reached out to pick up her broken glasses.

"Are you all right?" She heard a voice, as she knew who it belongs to. Her crush for three years, Jung Jaehyun. She felt his hand on her arm and help her up. She nodded, as she looked down at her glasses. "I'm sorry about that." He was going to help Momo to the nurse, as someone ripped Jaehyun away from her.

"Don't touch her, Jaehyun," said Suzy, pulling him away. Jaehyun turn his head back to see Momo standing there with a sad look on her face. She turn and slowly walk her way to the nurse.


Momo was working at her part-time job, cleaning the floor, as she felt wet all of a sudden. She looked up to see Suzy and her girls dumping water all over her.

"This is your only warning, stay away from Jaehyun." Suzy threw the cup at Momo and walked away laughing. Momo sighed and pick up the cup. Her day couldn't get any better. She was scared to speak up, as she has been hurt too many times. She was scared to speak, as nobody has heard her talk.

"You shouldn't have let them walk over you," said a girl, sitting at the counter. Momo just shook her head, as she put the broom away and got a towel to wipe herself clean. "I believe I can help you." She pulled out a little glass vial and hand it to her. "A drop of this in your drink and everything will change." Momo looked at the girl, who has a smile on her face. "Try it and it will change your life." Momo shrugged, as she didn't have anything to lose at this point. She put a drop in her water and drank it. She didn't feel different at all. She looked over and the girl was gone. Momo put the vial away and went on her everyday way. Unknowingly, a drop of that potion will change her life.


Monday morning, everyone was going to school. Momo walked down the hallway, all quiet and shy, as everyone stopped and looked at her. She wasn't the same nerdy look she always had. Instead she was smoking hot with no glasses. Momo doesn't understand, as she just woke up and look amazing. She didn't need her glasses anymore and she had nice clothes, shoes, and make-up.

"That can't be Momo," said a student, as she got to her locker. Momo opened the locker and was going to get a book out when the locker slammed on her hand. She hissed in pain, as Suzy was there with a wicked smile on her face. Momo got her hand out of the locker and held it close.

"The nerd can actually clean up, but it doesn't change the fact you are still a loser."

"And it doesn't change the fact you are a bitch," Jaehyun said, walking up to them. Suzy looked stun at Jaehyun, while he was focus on Momo. She didn't look at him, as he gently took her hand to check it. It was starting to bruise over, as he looked over at Suzy. "If I caught you or any of your friends bullying her again, I will make sure the rest of your high school experience will be hell." He gently put his arms around Momo and guide her away. Momo didn't say a word, as she let him take her to the nurse. Jaehyun stay with her, as she was getting her hand check. Lucky her hand was not broken, but bruise. She got her hand wrapped, as she sighed. It was her writing hand, as it was going to be challenge to get notes and homework done.

"Are you sure that you are all right?" he asked her, as they exited the nurse's office. Momo looked at her hand and nodded. She held her hand to her chest, as Jaehyun took her bag from her. She looked at him in surprise, as he gave her a smile.

"We do Chemistry together," he said, "Let's walk together."


For a few weeks, Jaehyun and Momo hung out together. It took her a while to open up with him, as she still was shy to speak. She was still scared she can ruin her new relationship with him. She was happy that all the bullying stopped and she knows Jaehyun was the cause of it.

Momo got home from school and turn to look at the vial, sitting on her desk. She went over there to see that she almost used all of it, one drop everyday. She thought to herself, this little vial was the cause of her change and for Jaehyun to actually notice her. Momo felt the tears coming down her cheek, as it was just a spell. She knows once the last drop is done, she will go back being her nerdy self, the bullying will begin, and Jaehyun will not be her friend anymore. Momo threw the vial on the ground, shattering it and making the spell break. She crawl onto her bed and cried herself to sleep, knowing what is going to happen tomorrow. All she want was to be notice for herself, not a spell to make her get notice.

Momo did not show up to school for the next two days, making sure the spell will be gone and over. She still have all the nice things, as she put on her glasses. She didn't have anymore contacts, as she walk down the hallway at school. Nobody even notice her, which confirm Momo's thoughts. It was good while it lasted to be notice, especially with Jaehyun.

Jaehyun was walking with his friends, as he saw Momo going to her locker. Johnny gave Jaehyun the pink roses, as Taeyong made sure he was clean.

"Go get your girl," said Johnny, patting Jaehyun on the shoulder. Jaehyun took a deep breath and walked over to Momo. She just closed her locker, as Jaehyun stood in front of her. Momo glanced at him, as her eyes will filled with confusion.

"This is for you," he said, giving her the roses. "Momo, we got to know each other for the last few weeks and I have to say it is wonderful. I was wondering if you want to go out on a date with me?" Momo nearly dropped the roses, as Jaehyun gave her a smile. Momo took his request, as a pity gesture now the spell is broken. Momo shook her head and gave him back the roses.

"I don't need your pity," she whispered softly to him, as she took off running from him.

"Wait!" he said, running after her. He caught up with her, as she made it outside the school. He took a hand of her arm, as she started to cry. "I don't understand. I'm not giving you any pity. I actually do like you."

"No, you don't," she replied, trying to take his hand off her arm. Jaehyun dropped the roses and pulled her into a hug. She was struggling against him to break free.

"Yes I do, I like you for about three years," he admitted, making Momo stop. "I just never had the guts to speak with you. I always watch you from afar, trying to figure you out. You were always a mystery to me, which I like. I have warn a lot of people to quit bullying you, yet you are always getting hurt." He pulled back a bit to look at Momo. "If I wasn't a gentleman, I would have punch Suzy in the face." He moved his hand to her cheek and let it rest there. "When I saw you change your looks, I thought it was finally time for me to move to talk with you before someone else try to take you from me." He look into her eyes and smile. "I can't imagine you with someone else unless it is me."

"You really mean that?" she asked, as Jaehyun leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"I mean everything I said." He let go of Momo and pick up the roses. He held them out to her and spoke again. "So Momo, would you go out on a date with me?"


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