Apologize *H.MM x M.YG* Part Final

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"Why? I thought this is the best way for everyone. Just let me go."

"I'm never going to let you go! I love you."

"It's too late..."

She was falling, as she looked up to see fear in his eyes, as she continued to go down.

Momo jumped up from her bed, breathing hard, as she put her hand over her heart to feel her heartbeat going fast. She took a few deep breaths, as arms wrapped around her. She looked over to see Yoongi, sitting up and pulling her towards her.

"What's wrong Princess?" She shook her head, as he made her look at him. "We promise not to keep anymore secrets."

"Just a bad dream about...my attempt..." she didn't want to finished, as he kissed her on the forehead. He held her close, as he did remember everything that led them to this point.
"Why are you following me?" Momo cried out, as Yoongi was next to her, holding her hand. "I told you I don't know you and..."

"I am not going to leave my girlfriend and mother of my child alone," he said, looking at her. Momo cried out to get him to let go, but he wasn't having it. "I nearly lost you once, but it will not happen again."

"Please just leave me alone." Yoongi ignored her and continued to walk with his hands in hers. Momo sighed, as she just gave up.

Momo was released from the hospital for about two weeks. She was getting back piece by piece of her memories. She knows know it is 2019, she did debut in a group, and is having a baby with a guy she has no memories whatsoever. She thought it was a prank, but the ultrasound told her different. JYP told Momo she has to be with Yoongi at all time while she recovers. The group was going to do their comeback without her, as she was having trouble remembering them and their songs. Yet she knows the dance so well, because hello she is the dancing machine. Momo fought with JYP but lost at the end. She doesn't have any memories of this man, who claims to be her boyfriend and the father of her child. She knows he is in a popular idol group, he is a rapper, annoying, pushy, cold stare, lazy, but something about him lingers to her that she doesn't want him to go.

"Let's go this way," she said, heading towards Mapo Bridge. He stopped in his spot, almost pulling out her arm. "Hey what gives?"

"Not that way," he said with a serious look on his face. Yoongi doesn't want Momo ever to be on that bridge, as it almost cost her life and their child. "We want to go this way, there is a good BBQ place..." food was mention, as her stomach growled. She sighed, as he dragged her away from the bridge.
Momo finally escape from Yoongi, as she head towards the bridge. She doesn't know why he stopped her from going there. She just wanted to see the view that's all. Momo walked along the bridge, looking at it as it has a lot of warning signs to next cross over. Momo kept going until she felt something and stopped. She looked around to see nobody was around. She went to the rails and look down. It was a long drop if she slip, but she is safe on this safe.

"Why does this look familiar?" She asked herself, moving to sit on the ground. She left back against the rail, as she was getting a headache. She closed her eyes, as everything rush at her.

She remember the night she came running to the bridge. She remember crying, as she was recording her final farewells. She remember taking her shoes off and going over the rails. She remember taking that last breath and letting go. She remember Yoongi holding onto her hand for dear life, begging her to come to him. She remembered clawing his hand to let her go. She remembered hitting the water with full force, smiling as she sunk. She remember why she did it, as tears were running down her cheeks. She remembered all the cruel things she was told, heard or seen. She remembered being betrayed by her members and her love. She remembered and she could finish it right now. All she have to do is climb over and jump. Nobody can stop her this time. It all that simple.

Momo looked down to see her bump, as she shook her head. No, she couldn't do that to her baby...their baby. Despite everything, the baby is innocent and she loves the baby.

"Eomma promise to take care of you," she whispered, putting her hands on her bump. "Eomma will never let anything happen to you."

"Momo!" She heard her name, as she looked to see Yoongi, running to her. "Oh god, I was so scared when I lost you. I knew..." Momo cried a little and threw herself into Yoongi's arms. "Momo?"

"I almost did it...I almost wanted to jump," she admitted, as he froze. She remembered. He was happy, but yet he didn't want it to be this way. "I couldn't do it because of the baby." Yoongi just held her, stroking her hair and placing kisses on her head.

He explain to her everything that happen that night. He explain how her members were mad but love her so much. He explain about his behaviors and how he was trying to prevent her from getting hurt. He explain nobody hate her, but loves her. He explain how he got her message and ran as fast as he could to save her. He explain how their members were trying to save her before she jumped. He explain how he felt when she scratch him and how he witnessed her falling to her death. Both were in tears, as Yoongi continued to lay kisses on her head.

"I'm sorry..." Momo cried, as he shook his head.

"No, I should have told you. I never thought it would have gotten this far. I love you so much," he said, making her look at him. "If my members weren't holding me down, I would have jump after you. If you jump, I would jump to save you." Momo let out another cry, as he kissed her forehead. "Come on, let's go home and rest. We will see the doctor tomorrow." Momo nodded, as Yoongi helped her to her feet. She wrapped her arms around his, as she pressed close to his side. He patted her hand, as they left the bridge to go home.
Yoongi kisses her cheek, as he lay down with her in his arms.

"It's all right. That's in the past," he told her, as Momo nodded. She still have some nightmares about that night, as Yoongi does his best to help her through it. "I'm here always, get some sleep." Before they could close their eyes, a cry broke out through the little baby monitor next to them.

"I got it," she said, getting out of his arms and out of bed. She threw on her robe, as she walked into another room, where the crying was heard. Their little 3 month old baby boy, Woozi, crying his little heart out. "Eomma is here," she said, gently picking him out of his crib. Woozi calm down, as he knew he was safe, but was still fussing. Momo went over to the rocking chair and sat down, rocking him back and forth. Woozi was the main reason Momo is still here today. He was innocent, loud, but innocent. Momo gave up her career to be a stay-at-home mother, as Yoongi continued his career to support the family. They even got married right before Woozi was born. They still need to have a wedding, but right now they are going through enough.

"Eomma will always be here for you. Appa as well. You will never be left alone." Momo kissed Woozi on the forehead. Little did she know, Yoongi watched them from the doorway with a smile on his face. Everything is going to be all right for them. They will continued to help and heal each other every step of the way.
And finally...we have come to the end....thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy this special part for my Momogi fan. Apologize is complete so no more parts to be added.

Jeno: You scared us! I thought you were ending the book. I want to have a part someday.
Nope the book will be officially over on part 200....still a long way...

Now anyone have a sequel they want me to write let me know in the comments. At The Beginning and Goodnight will get one. I'm going to write sequels until the 22nd....
Chenle: it will be my birthday and you will write a part for me....
....maybe. Part 145 will be the part on who will get part 150. Right now is Mingyu so keep on voting.

Comment and vote!
Bye sweetie sweetie

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