Heaven In Your Eyes *H.MM x B.CN*

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I know that we have been through so much pain. But I still need you in my life, this time - Backstreet Boys - Heaven In Your Eyes

"Chris, come on mate, you got to open the door," said Felix, as he was banging on the door. Even since Woojin left the group, Chan has blamed himself and had been locked in his room since. It has been three days and the boys tried almost everything to get him out...almost.

"If you don't open the door, I'm going to break it down," said Changbin, running at the door. He hit it with his shoulder but it didn't budge. "Ouch..."

"Channie-hyung," Jeongin called through the crack under the door. He tried to get his fingers under and wiggle them. "I need my cuddles!" No response, as the younger members were ready to give up.

"We keep telling him it is not his fault for him leaving," said Han, as everyone nodded.

"Wha can we do? He won't answer us and we can't get in," said Hyunjin. Felix sighed, as he didn't want to get her involve in their group drama. Yet she is the only one that can get through Chan.

"Jeongin, call her," Felix said.

"You sure?"

"We need her help to help him. Call Momo."
Thirty minutes later, Chan sighed and he believe his members finally stop bugging him. He just want to mope alone in peace.

"Channie," he heard a voice, a sweet goddess-like voice, knocking on his door. He cursed under his breath, as he knew who was behind the door. He slowly got up and went to his door. "Channie, please open the door." He could not denied his girl, even if he feels like crap. He unlocked the door and slowly opened it to see Momo standing there with a concern look on her face. His members were behind her as well, having the same look except Jeongin, who was ready to cry. Chan reaches out to Momo and pulled her in his room. He shut the door before his members come try to enter and lock the door.

"Channie," Momo spoke to him softly, reaching for him. He turned to face her, as she gently touch his cheek with her hand. This is the first human contact he had since the news broke. Chan rubbed his cheek against her hand and pulled her close to him, letting his body press against hers. "Channie, talk to me please." He buried his head into her neck, inhaling her peach smell and holding her close.

They stay like this for about ten minutes, as Momo rubbed his back. Chan barely move away from her, but kept his arms around her body. "It's my fault...I wasn't a good leader and now..." Momo places both hands on his cheeks, making him look at her.

"Chan, please it is not your fault. Things happens that we don't expect. You cannot control everything," she began, as he just shook his head. "It was Woojin's choice. Even if you could do anything, it is his choice, babe."

"It's hard to lose a member, Momo. People are blaming me for not protecting him. Yet we didn't have a clue, he was leaving," he said. "I wish he talk with us about his decision. We would support him either way."

"Maybe he was scared. Remember when we first start dated, you were terrified to tell JYP. You kept thinking you were going to be kicked out and look where you are. Still together for three years and will be getting married in two months," Momo said to him, as he had to give her a light smile. He was shaking in his shoes when he told JYP he and Momo were a couple. JYP took the news well and gave them his blessing and let Chan and Momo off the dating ban.

"Yeah I remember, but still I'm responsible of all my members."

"And you are. You still have seven boys out there, worry sick over their leader. I think Jeongin is going crazy, as he haven't had his cuddles from you." Jeongin is Chan's little baby boy and Chan sighed.

"I have mess up haven't I?"

"No, they are just worry about you. Yet they do look like lost puppies out there. And from the looks of it, they must have camp out in front of the door." Chan had to laugh, as he could imagine his members doing so. "You need them to get through this. They are also hurting too." Chan never thought about them hurting, as he was the one taking it on himself.

"You're right," he said, as Momo smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too." Chan leaned in to capture her lips with his. They made out for a few minutes, before they heard a tiny knock on the door.

"Channie-hyung...please come out. I miss your cuddles," cried Jeongin.

"We haven't ate good food in three days. All we been eating is ramen and take out," said Minho. "I sure would love some of Chan's lovely cooking." They broke away, as Momo giggled.

"Surely you don't want them to try and cook." Chan's eyes widen, as the last time Hyunjin and Felix try, the fire department was called. "Come on, let's go and greet the babies." Momo took his hand, as Chan smiled. They went to the door and unlocked it. They heard shuffling behind the door and he opened the door. All the members were standing in a line, age order.

"Guys..." Chan began, but Jeongin let out a little cry and ran into Chan's arms. He wrapped himself around him like a koala. Chan patted his back, as Momo let go of Chan's hand so he can hug the little one. "I'm sorry...just felt like..."

"No hyung, it's not your fault," said Seungmin. "Life happens, but we will move on together."

"We are a family," added Changbin. "We stick together through thick and thin." Chan smiled at his members, feeling better.

"So, can you cook us some real food please," begged Felix. Jeongin was not planning to let go of Chan, as he buried his face in this neck.

"How about I cook for you guys," said Momo. "I don't think Jeongin is going to let go of Chan." Momo lean over and kiss Chan on the cheek. "Go and sit down. I will get dinner ready for the kids. Can you guys clean up a bit?"

"No problem," said Minho, as the guys were cleaning up. Momo seen they were cleaning more around Chan's door, as she did figure out they camped there. Chan sat down the couch with Jeongin in his lap, hugging him. Momo smiled, as she went into the kitchen and start dinner for them.

"I'm sorry, little one," Chan said to Jeongin, as Jeongin did not move.

"Please don't do this to us again. We are all hurting and need to heal together."

"I promise."

"But I'm going to be sad soon."

"Why is that?"

"You are going to be a married man and won't live in the dorm with us anymore," Jeongin said, as Chan just chuckled.

"We already made arrangements for Momo to moved in with me. We knew you guys were be crying if I left, so I'm staying and Momo is moving in. So you will still have an appa and now you will have a eomma." Jeongin smiled, as he looked at Chan. Chan ruffed his hair as the other members jumped on them, giving hugs. They were all laughing and hugging, Momo peeked on them from the kitchen.

"So sweet! Hope our kids will be like that in the future."
Officially one hour left for Stray Kids!!! -waiting in the venue- The staff wont let me save my kangaroo and koala...But I know after tonight, I'm going to feel like I did at SuperM. Pregnant lol.

In other news: Happy birthday Johnny from NCT!!!
Johnny: it was yesterday...
Again, I live in America so it's a day late!
Jisung: At least you got a birthday shout out...-about to speak-
Only one person ask for a part for you and it's not enough. Keep on trying Jisung!
Johnny: so do I get three wishes?
I'm not a genie but sure.
Johnny: I wish for a strawberry cake.
Easy! -wave wand and cake appear-
Johnny: I wish you write a part for Jisung!
Damn! Fine just not now!
Jisung: Yay!
Johnny: and third...-whisper to me his third wish-
Okay...your funeral. -wave wand-
Jaehyun: what did he wish for?
-phone ringing-
Johnny: Hello?
Taeyong: -yelling at him-
He wish for Taeyong to be pregnant with their child.

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See ya next time, when I recover from tonight!
Bye sweetie sweetie!

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