A Nice Talk

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As Marius arrives at the hotel, he takes a frustrated breath. That debate with Brock did not do good for his psyche.

''But i should be happy, i have an abnormal psyche for most people, being able to stand in many debates at the same time'' he thinks to himself, he walks inside the hotel, seeing the staff discuss how to best prepare meals for Ash. Making Marius chuckle to himself

''I definitely see why Ash was jokingly called a savage by the others, the cooks have no idea how to make him full. And i like it'' he thinks to himself. The cooks don't see him as he listens a bit to them

Cook 1: Do you think we should order a new shipment of food for him?

Cook 2: How would that help? He is only going to stay two more days, and the shipment takes a week to be delivered. 

''Well there is one thing called just giving him everything you have and making him see that there is no more'' Marius thinks before he leaves for the upper hotel rooms. 

His mind is clear, and a bit annoyed. He is disgusted by Pewter City and it's lack of morals. But even worse is his now hatred for Brock's lack of action and corruption. 

''Role of president is deserved not for me, but for someone who is willing to take the advise of the right person'' he thinks to himself, making a bitter expression. 

Marius, despite some small weird conclusions, has not the most special reasons for not liking corruption and the attitudes of people in Pewter. He was brought up under strict rules that corruption, is wrong and punishable with either imprisonment or death. As for how he got to become who he is now, it was because of childhood events that sparked his survival instinct. 

In the lands he comes from, it is said to be the coldest place alive, where not too many people live, meaning that they have always needed people who are efficient and knows what they're doing. Marius, became that man in his family. His father died of hypothermia while his mother kicked the bucket after a hard fight with cancer. 

Though their deaths inflicted pain on him, Marius was always known to resist the pain of other emotional people. Meaning he had an advantage over many others who lost family members. 

As for how he became who he is, it was based on really early education, understanding of complex realities, managing to remain calm in tough situations and an instinct to survive. He has a deep understanding of how people negotiate, and he knows how to play to his strengths of much knowledge. 

In short, he became a manager and talent scout as young as he is because of quick education, understanding of negotiation and of morals that are highly humanistic. 

Or in other words, he has no respect for corrupt people who would do anything for money. 

He passes his own room and continues along a hallway, before he hears someone calling out to him. He turns and sees Nate there, in the room booked for him and Rosa to be in for the night to make sure the clerk doesn't try himself on them again.

Nate: Could i have a talk with you?

Marius: Sure, what do you need to get out?

Nate comes out to him and meets him person to person in the hallway

Nate: Do you know what came of the clerk from before? 

Marius: All i heard, was that he was jailed for a week, then a trial will occur which they will need your testimony for. But no need to worry, i will handle the trial while you will perform on tour.

Nate breathes out in relief, at least there is some decency in people

Nate: Tell me something, where did you get those real views from?

Marius looks confused at Nate.

Marius: What do you mean?

Nate: Like, the views that corruption is bad, and that honesty is best. Where does that come from in your life? Surely someone like you would have been a bit more corrupt and co working with them in this harsh reality

Marius: Well, i got those views because of a way of living called honesty. In short, be honest and have humanistic morals. And because i have that, i fight hard for the preservation of stars that get screwed by the pop industry.

''There he mentioned the pop industry again, i don't know why but he is fascinating to listen to based on how much he knows'' Nate thinks to himself.

Nate: Go on

Marius: And when seeing how an industry makes money, on treating their stars like shit, i can't look on them honestly and call it good. Cause it's not. And i know many pop stars who only got halfway into being popular because their worth was diminished by a wish to make the industry change to something better. 

Nate: So, if i get this right. Without you, and if the pop industry got their hands on us, we wouldn't be in a good position?

Marius gulps a bit.

Marius: kind of yes. But it's a bit more complicated when it comes to you five, because unlike many others brought into the industry, you have talent and a real wish for actually singing correctly. Something others lack in massive numbers, and seeing how you perform on stage, it really shows that you perform with passion. 

Nate: That means much to hear Marius. 

Marius: Trust me, Under my wings, i won't ever allow the greedy hands to snatch you. You and Destiny are the pioneers of the up and coming music to the world, and i won't ever allow the pop industry to ruin your lives to make cash. 

Nate: well, i guess it's time to sleep

Marius looks on his watch, and unsurprisingly, it is.

Marius: Yes it is. Is Rosa ok from the attack?

Nate: Well, it's odd. Cause the attack was scary, but she didn't really feel scared once hiding behind me. It was more fear of what was going to happen, and it didn't bear fruits in her. 

Marius: That's unexpected, but also very good. 

Nate: good? How?

Marius: If what you say is true, Rosa doesn't get impacted by the most scary things. And being like that helps when you're gonna perform songs in front of so many people. 

Nate sweatdrops, and he thought Destiny was complicated enough.

Marius: Well, have a goodnight sleeping in the same room as her.

Marius turns around, only to stop and say one last thing

''And don't worry, there isn't any cameras in the room, so sleeping with her shouldn't be an issue if you want to get a bit cuddly with each other''

The last sentence causes Nate's cheeks to burst red

Wrapping up yet another chapter of The Pokeband

Damn i love when Marius teases our protagonists XD. Cause it's so obvious he ships em!

And damn, Marius is a deep character as well. 

If you liked this chapter, votes and comments are always appreciated.

Besides that, i hope you will have a great day next and will stay tuned for more to come.

That's all great people


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