A well thought out plan

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The new voices startle every teen there, but it's difficult to see anything. Either it be Leaf or the now murderers turned rapists for Serena. 

But the voices manage to make the three abusers uncomfortable, cause who would be out to stop their assault in the midle of the night?

Then in the bushes, comes rustling. And a Pokeball opening sound comes after, but no name calling. 

A light comes from the forest to the right of the road, but what is there can't be seen. 

Paul: Who's there?! 

Serena: Help! 

Leaf: They're trying to..

Silver and Trip silence the two just as they try to scream, but the light still stands behind the tree. 

Then, from the dark enters a silhouette. The darkness makes it difficult to see who it is, but his eye shine in the dark. Almost like the eyes are a lightsource, but it's the colour of the person's eyes that make everyone uneasy. 

They're red as blood, and though the face is hiden the eyebrows clearly show off annoyance and disgust. He walks closer to them with slow and balanced steps. 

Leaf, though lying on the ground can see that he has no intention of walking past the group, he wants to do something. But his motives can be anything, the eyes are still scary. 

Then, a new voice enters the air.

''Leave the two girls alone Paul''

The voice seems annoyed, but it didn't come from the red eyed fellow. He/she still walks towards them. 

The two girls turn a bit to the bushes, it's the only place the voice could come from. Paul however seems far more angry and paranoid by the minute.

Paul: And who are you to tell me to quit?! You won't even show yourself coward! 

''The cowards aren't the ones who hide, it's the ones who take on those who are known to not put up a fight''

Another voice enters the air, but this one seems even more known than the other one. It came from the road with the red eyed fellow, but he didn't say a word. 

Then the light from the forest begins showing itself, But Leaf and Serena gets shocked to see that it's just a Charmander coming towards them. It's lighting up a path with the flame on it's tail. And the red eyed fellow, he is revealed to be none other than Red Ketchum.

Though Red is known to the five people in a mess, he looks far different in his face than usual. He hasn't changed anything, but his look carry anger looking far more dangerous than anything in the world. And his eyes does not help the case of him being scary serious. 

Then from the bushes jumps something, but it moves so fast that neither girl can see what it is. 

''Pikaaa Chuuuuuu!''

A yellow electric light enters both the view and air of everyone there, Trip just got thunderbolted into being fainted. he falls on the ground while being quite shocked. 

Charmander then fires off a haunting Flamethrower on Silver, causing him to flee in flaming pain. 

Paul: Where are you going coward?! Come back!

''Leave it Paul, i knew you were bad. But going after a celebrity on night? you have fallen real low''

The voice is still not from Red, but from a third person that makes his entrance. The eyes of both Leaf and Serena rises when they see Marius there. 

Marius: you have fallen beyond low at this point. 

Then again from the bushes makes another guy his entrance, this time it's Ash Ketchum. The Pikachu jumps on his shoulder while the teen pets him under his chin. 

Red eyes Paul with what could be considered a Devil's look. His eyes dig into Paul's soul with a clear intent to hurt or decimate him. His Charmander looks the same, his flame burns brighter and more intensely as he stands besides his trainer. 

Marius however snaps his fingers, making new people arrive. More specifically, a police officer. 

Marius: That's the man officer, take him away.

Paul's face goes white as he sees the officer, he turns to run only to be stopped by Ash and his Pikachu. The officer takes Paul away, allowing the two girls to feel safe. They rise from the ground, brushing dirt off their clothes while they look from side to side. 

Serena: h.How did you know w.we were here?

Serena's shock goes to Marius who has again crossed his arms.

Marius: i didn't. I met up with these two, and both had spotted the three perpetrators. So i just called the police and went with them for a ambush on the three. 

Ash: Pikachu here came over to see what had been going on with our popularity. So i thought i could use him to stop their actions against you. 

Serena's eyes soften up while a small smile appears on her lips. Pikachu jumps to her, making her narrowly catch him. Her smiles become more genuine as she rubs his head and his cooing making her heart melt a bit. 

Leaf however has turned to Charmander who came over to her. She bends down to him and pets him on his head, Red doesn't seem to mind. But he doesn't say anything, his voice is not there for words(apparently)

Marius: well this was a bit of a night, but we have days tomorrow and stuff to do. But considering that this forest is full of wannabe rapists, i think it is appropriate for Ash and Red to accompany you two home.

Eyes rise, cheeks are set on fire and eyes begin to beat fast,  Serena and Leaf get confused as heck. Ash begins to blush, Red however turns from Marius, not wanting to show his burning face. 

But as no one dares to say against him, Marius walks from them towards his unknown destination. Leaving the four teens alone while feeling quite unsure about how to do their task right. 

Wrapping up yet another chapter of The Pokeband. 

If you liked this chapter, votes and comments are always appreciated.

Besides that, i hope you will have a great day next and stay tuned for more to come.

That's all great people


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