"Can we talk?"

"About what, Elliot?" Olivia sighed, before feeling as his hand was splayed across her stomach.

"About our kid."


Olivia hesitantly took Elliot upstairs and to the apartment. He watched as she struggled a bit to take the stairs, and wished that he could make things better. But if he wouldn't have gotten her drunk at that one party, their baby wouldn't even be growing inside of her and causing her discomfort and pain.

"Where is it going to sleep?" Elliot asked, as Olivia opened her bedroom door and let Elliot in.

"He is going to sleep in here. I'm going to move my bed against the wall and let his crib and dresser be on that side." Olivia spoke, as she pointed around the room as she talked. Elliot stopped for a moment as a small smile grew on his lips.

"It's a boy?" He asked.

"Yeah... found out today. I didn't want to know, but I decided that I probably should." Olivia spoke quietly.

"Have any names picked out?" Elliot questioned, as he walked over and sat on her bed as Olivia took her jacket and snow boots off.

"No... I think my Mom wants to name him... Uh, so what should we talk about? Because I have to find a job." Olivia spoke.

"Let me help you and this baby... I have a job. I can buy diapers, clothes, his crib. I can help pay for things... and I can be his Dad."

"Elliot, we are a distraction."

"Huh?" Elliot questioned.

"You said that your father is keeping all the distractions away so you can get a spot on a college team. A kid is a distraction. So I guess that even if you want to help, your father won't allow it. And did you ever even love me?" Olivia asked as she took her sweater off before tugging on her undershirt. Elliot watched as it clung to her bump and he couldn't help but smile. 

"I still love you." He admitted quietly.

"I cannot deal with your lies." Olivia frowned.

"I'm not lying, Olivia. I love you. That will never change." Elliot smiled. Olivia swallowed hard before walking over and sinking down beside him as she rubbed her stomach gently.

"We don't need to be anything at all. Just be here for him. He's gonna be important even if I have never been." Olivia whispered. Elliot reached over and grabbed her hand before squeezing it gently. He pulled her close and hugged her before leaning back a bit.

"You are so very important." He breathed before pressing a firm kiss to Olivia's lips.


Elliot started to show up to all of Olivia's appointments. They went to pick out cribs for their son and Elliot even got Olivia a delicate necklace that had their son's name on it. They had decided on Clayton August Benson-Stabler. Elliot's father wasn't happy that he wasn't focusing on football all the time, but Elliot's mother was happy and proud of her son for him stepping up and planning on being a father to his son. 

Olivia never got the chance to tell her mother about this all, until she came home one night and walked into Olivia's room.

"Where the hell did you get this all?!" Serena yelled as she flipped on the light. Olivia had just fallen asleep, and now she was wide awake again and Clay seemed even heavier now.

"What?" Olivia frowned deeply.

"Where did you get all of this shit?" Serena yelled as she slammed her hands against the crib. It was nothing special, but it was new to them and to Clay.

"Elliot bought it for Clay."


"Elliot Stabler is my son's father." Olivia groaned as she pushed herself up. She was only a month off from her due date at this point and she could tell. Everything was way more uncomfortable and just her mother's voice made her irritated.

"So he's around now? Why the hell would he want to be here for you and that fucking mistake?!" Serena cried.

"Mom, you are drunk." Olivia breathed.

"I am not drunk... I am high." Serena slurred a bit. Olivia slowly climbed out of bed before grabbing her mother's arm and squeezing it tightly.

"My son is not a mistake and he never will be. I know that I messed up your life, but my little Clayton will never mess up mine. I'll just fight harder to make everything right for him. To make sure he has what he needs. You wouldn't even buy me a second-hand crib when I was a baby so I slept in a drawer." Olivia frowned. She shoved her mother out of the door before locking it.

She leaned against it as her mother pounded her fists against it. Olivia wrapped her arms around her swell as she felt her son kick a bit within.

"You will never be a mistake, Clay... and I'm sorry that I said you were before," Olivia whispered, as she closed her eyes but the hot tears still managed to slip out and run down her cheeks.


Olivia went into labor three days after her due date. To make things even more difficult, Olivia was in labor from the night before her birthday and well through it. She stalled several times, and her body was a little too small to be delivering such a big baby, but she didn't care. She just kept working through everything until she gave it her all to bring her son into the world. Olivia wasn't alone at all during the labor and delivery because Elliot managed to get there and stay with her through the whole thing. He got to cut the cord that connected his son and Olivia, and he cried when his son cried for the first time.

"So this is not how I had expected to spend my 16th birthday." Olivia yawned, as she sat in her hospital bed with Clayton pressed against her chest. 

"I don't think that anyone expects to push an 11-pound baby out on their 16th birthday." Elliot teased, as he came over with his jacket and laid it over the two people that meant the most to him in this world. It took a while for him to realize that Olivia and Clayton meant more to him than football, and they always will.

"Elliot, my mom wouldn't even come to be here with us..." Olivia whispered as she rested her cheek against Clay's sparse brown hair.

"I've been thinking about your situation... and I want you and Clay to stay with me... my mom even brought it up," Elliot spoke.

"What about the rest of your family? I doubt that they want your baby mama and son staying there."

"What about my girlfriend and my son? Doesn't that change things?" Elliot smiled, as he settled beside Olivia and their child.

"I guess." Olivia breathed. She looked over at Elliot before looking down at Clay.

"What's on your mind, Liv?" Elliot asked.

"I'm glad that my boys look alike..." She smiled, before snuggling into Elliot's side as tears ran down her cheeks.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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