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Hoseok gives Jungkook and incredulous look. "You what?"

"I forgave him."

Hoseok chuckles. "You're going insane. Taehyung literally fucked him 8 times."

"I know. He told me."

"Kook, you're crazy. Break up with him."

"Hoseok, I can't. I've heard that people have been able to fix their relationships after one person cheats. I want to see if we can."

"But you never waste time on cheaters."

"He cheated with Taehyung. You know how people are around Tae. It's like they have no choice."

"But they do. They do have a choice."

"I know you're looking out for me, but let me make my own decisions. I don't want to let Jimin go yet."

"What if he goes back to Tae?"

"Then I'll give up."

"This isn't healthy. You're really doing yourself dirty."

"Once again, it's my decision. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have faith in Jimin. He made a mistake and you can tell how it's affected him."

"Fine. Fuck up your mental health, I guess. Anyways, Seulgi's having a pool party today."

"Pool party? It's literally December."

"She has a heated pool. Besides, it's 68 degrees outside. It's not horrible."

"Can Jimin come?"

"Sure. Just be careful because Tae's coming too."

"That's fine. I'll stay next to Jimin the whole night."

"Okay. Have you talked to Tae?"


"You sound way too calm. Please don't bring a gun and shoot him."

"I won't."

"How about you just don't kill him in general?"

"We'll see."

"Jungkook, I swear to fucking god, if I have to help you bury a body tonight, we won't be friends anymore."

"If I kill Tae, I won't need help burying him. I'll probably just pass his body through a woodchipper a few times."

"Please don't brutally murder him."

"I make no promises."


Jungkook isn't gonna kill him. Doesn't mean he won't hurt him.

 Doesn't mean he won't hurt him

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