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On Friday, Jimin wakes up feeling like $1million . He and Jungkook attack the room with Lysol and wipe every surface with wet wipes.

They go to school amd decide that Jimin is healthy enough to go the the football game later that night.


Since it's November, the temperature outside is about 45 degrees. Jungkook makes sure that Jimin is bundled up.

"Jungkook, I don't need 6 jackets."

"You're recovering from pneumonia. There's not fucking way I'm letting you out of this house without proper insulation."

"You sound like my mom."

"Mother knows best."

"I'll settle for 4 jackets. That's it."

"No. 5 minimum."


"How about you wear 4 and we bring 2 just in case?"


"Now on to gloves and a hat–"

"Okay, that's pushing it. I can put my hands in my pockets and I can put a hood on."

"But... I don't want you to get more sick."

"I won't. I'll be fine, baby."

"Okay..." Jungkook only grabs a sweatshirt for himself and Jimin pouts. "Are you seriously making me dress like the Michelin man and not joining me?"

"You're the one with leukemia!"

"It's not leukemia! It's pneumonia, not cancer!"

"Whatever. I'm not the one with pneumonia."

"This is insane. I'm literally sweating."

"Great. That mean you're warm enough."

"No, it means I'm gonna a die of a heat stroke."

"No you won't. We aren't even outside yet."


They get into Jungkook's car. "Are you cold?"

"Obviously not." Jimin says it with a salty tone and Jungkook frowns.

"You know I'm just looking out for you, right? Your mom told me to make sure you're warm and I don't want to let her down. She's been really nice to me and I don't want that to change."

"I can take care of myself."

"Obviously you can't. You went to school when your were sick enough to be coughing up blood."

"You do have a point..."

"I know I went overboard on the jackets but... It really is because I love you."

Jimin blushes furiously at the word 'love'. He got over it when Hi Jungkook used it over the phone but he's never said it in person before.

"I know... Uh, I love you too."

Jungkook cups Jimin's cheek in his hand and gives him a kiss. "If you get too warm, then take some jackets off."




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