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Later that day, Jimin and Kook hang out in Kook's basement.

"Let's invite Tae over."

Jungkook looks up from his phone and scoffs. "No. He can't hang out with us."

"But Kook, he's hurting himself. I feel so bad for him. Please? You'll be with us the whole time."

"I have boundaries."

"I'm friends with him. Don't be controlling."

Jungkook puts his phone down. "I'm not trying to be controlling. It's just too soon."

Jimin huffs. "I know you don't like Tae, but he's going through something. He's literally hurting himself. Have some pity on him."

"He's probably doing it for attention."

Jimin's jaw drops. "I can't believe you would say something like that."

"You know how Tae is. He acts sad and vulnerable just to get you to feel sorry for him. It's all a trick, Jimin."

"Fine. I'll go hang out with him alone–"


"I'll go to his house right now and hang out with him instead if you're gonna be this mean."

"You're being irrational."

"No I'm not! Suck it up, Jeon. You know he has the ability to be a good person. Give him a genuine chance."

Jungkook sighs. "Fine, but if he flirts with you, he's leaving."

Jimin scoots closer to him. "You're doing the right thing by inviting him over. You know that, right?"

"I don't, but apparently you do."

Jimin kisses his cheek. "You won't regret it."


Jimin opens the front door for Tae when he arrives. "Hey Tae."

"Hey... Does Kook know I'm here?"

"Yeah. It took some convincing, but he finally caved in. How are you feeling?"

Taehyung grins. Someone's asking how he's feeling? "I'm feeling... better."

Jimin smiles. "That's good." Tae walks inside. "I'm guessing he's in the basement?"


"How's it going with him?"

"He's... He's a bit touchy, but I can't really blame him..."

"Is he being mean to you?"

"No. He doesn't talk to me that much anymore... Usually he's just on his phone."

Taehyung frowns. "That's not cool. He should talk to you."

"Things.have just changed between us. It's not a big deal."

"He's lucky to have you. He shouldn't ignore you."

Jimin blushes slightly. "By the way, he said no flirting. If you do, you have to leave."

"Okay. Then I'll try not to flirt."

Jimin smiles and starts walking to the basement. "Be care with what you say. I really don't want him to make you leave."

Taehyung nods. "I don't want to leave..."

Jungkook barely acknowledges them when they walk downstairs. Taehyung looks at Jimin who sighs and fiddled with his thumbs. He sits next to Kook.

"Wanna watch a movie or something?"

Jungkook just shrugs. Taehyung grabs his phone out of his hands. "You're being a prick. Pay attention to your boyfriend."

Jungkook stands up and takes his phone back. "Don't tell me what to do."

"You're acting like me, Kook."

Jungkook's face turns red. "Don't you dare compare yourself to me. I will never be like you."

"Your boyfriend has been sitting here watching you play games on your phone. Don't you see something wrong with that?"

"Stop fucking telling me what to do."

"You're wasting his time. You gave him a second chance but it doesn't seem like you're giving him a chance to prove himself."

Jungkook turns to Jimin. "Am I wasting your time?"

Jimin crosses his arms. "Um..."

"Tell me the truth."

"Its just a bit boring. I've been here for 3 hours and we've barely talked..."

Jungkook looks back at Taehyung. "Fine. I'll put my phone down, but tell me what to do one more time and I'm kicking you out."




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