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They all go back to Jungkook's house early because the game wasn't interesting. Jimin convinces Jungkook to invite Tae. He's reluctant, but he eventually caves in.

Jimin sits on Jungkook's lap but talks to Taehyung while they're smoking weed.

"What did we miss in physics?"

"Not much. We just got a few worksheets."

"Okay, good. I was scared we would have a shit ton of make up work..."

"I can send you the answers to the sheets if you want. It would help you a lot since you probably have make up work in the other classes too."

"I do. I'll DM you if I need them."

"You'd have to unblock me first."

Jimin blushes. "Oh, right. I forgot I blocked you."

Taehyung chuckles. "I totally deserved it. I shouldn't have tried to get between you and Jungkook. It really was just petty and I don't know why I thought I could do it. You two are good together."

"Is that an apology from the Kim Taehyung?"

"It is. I'm sorry."

"I can't believe it. I might faint." They both laugh lightly.

Jungkook frowns internally. He can't help but feel like their conversation is a bit flirtatious. Of course he's cautious. He decides to ignore them because he's probably overreacting.

Namjoon drives Jin and Yoongi home at 12am. Hoseok drove himself so he decides to stay for a bit.

He ends up getting black out drunk and unable to drive himself so Jungkook opts to give him a ride.

He didn't consider the fact that he was leaving Jimin and Taehyung alone. He only realizes it when he's halfway to Hoseok's house.


Jimin and Taehyung sit on the couch to talk. "Jungkook said that you guys never hang out at your house. Why is that?"

"My parents are really controlling. I just hate being around them."

"So they aren't abusive?"

"No, not at all. They just expect me to be someone I'm not. I have good grades but they want all A's and I just can't do that."

"At least they aren't hitting you or something."

"Yeah. It's cute that you were worried about me." He ruffles Jimin's hair. Jimin's grin fades and he tensed up.

Taehyung chuckles. "I didn't mean for that to sound flirty. I meant that I appreciate you being concerned for my safety."

Jimin relaxes. "Oh. Yeah, it definitely sounded flirty."

"I'm not even interested in you anymore. I probably wouldn't even hook up with you in you broke up with Kook."

Jimin giggles. "I'm glad. I think we should honestly just be friends, but only if you change. I don't want a friend who breaks people's hearts."

"Then I'll do my best to change."

"That means no lying to people to get a hook up and no bullying anyone."

"... I don't bully people."

Jimin crosses his arms and looks at him with a straight face. Taehyung sighs. "Okay, maybe a little..."

"Well, you need to stop it regardless."


"The most important rule is that you never insinuate us being together. I would never do that to Kook."



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