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Jimin doesn't look at Taehyung anymore. He doesn't acknowledge his existence.

Tae continues putting blunts out on his wrists, but no one questions why he's wearing long sleeves since it's winter.

He starts smoking cigarettes. Not a lot, maybe one cig a day, but it's the first addictive thing he's ever done. He uses them to fill the emptiness in his heart.

Jungkook notices a vague difference in Taehyung, but it seems like a dark difference. He considers asking him is he's okay but decides not to.

Taehyung's mind is tortured. He got a 78 on his Lang test and his father yelled at him, calling him 'worthless' and a 'sad excuse of a son'.

He smoked three blunts that night and took a few random pills just to see what would happen.

He mixed two pills that weren't supposed to go together and he threw up but nothing life threatening happened.

On the inside, he wishes the pills just took him out. He really did try to become a better person but the pent up aggression turned him back into the heartless asshole he's always been.

He leaves class every once and a while to cry in the bathroom. He doesn't even want Jimin in a romantic way anymore. He just wants Jimin to be there for him. To care about him.



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