The class welcomed her warmly and she came to stand to Jimin's left and he looked over her, catching the way her jaw twitched as she chewed lightly on the gum ball he so desperately wanted to see. It was normal that on the first day of pretty much anything people would share their gum ball's characteristics. That's how class love birds Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi met.

"Hi, I'm Jimin." He said, holding his hand out. She reached forward and shook it hesitantly.

"Hi Jimin, I'm Yui."

"Nice to meet you." Jimin said. He was too busy admiring her large brown eyes to think about flashing his gum but now that the teacher had begun it was too late.

Jimin learned throughout class that Yui was an amazing dancer. She leaned more towards contemporary dances than hip hop ones with heavier beats, but Jimin found that even more intriguing. She had such a small figure and moved so well and fluidly, like a little yellow petal blowing around in the wind.

"Hey Yui, mind if I ask you something...?" Jimin asked after class ended. The girl looked up from where she was crouched beside her bag, an open water in her hand.

"Uhm, yeah, sure, go ahead." She said, screwing on the cap.

"Can I see your gum?" He asked quickly, a small blush appearing on his cheeks. He wasn't sure why he was getting so flustered.

"Oh, yeah, I suppose I should show everybody in here at some point if I'll be in this class."

She stood up and dusted off her rear, looking at Jimin and opening her mouth wide. Jimin peered into her mouth hopefully but there was... nothing?

"Y-You've already met your soulmate...?" Jimin asked, feeling a bit sheepish now.


"Then why don't you chew your gum?"

"Because." She shrugged, leaning down to grab her bag and water. "It's fun this way."

"What if your soulmate is in this very room? Don't you want to know?"

"I believe fate has weirder ways of bringing two people together than a gum ball."

"Really?" Jimin gasped, eyes going wide.

"Yep." She nodded. "See you tomorrow Jimin."

Jimin stood there in shock and watched her back as she walked away. She was odd, he knew that, but that only made him more interested in learning about her.


The next day was smooth sailing. Jimin woke up, grabbed a gum ball, headed into class, and began practicing the new choreography. Yui was there early, concentrating on the material while looking into a mirror. She caught a glimpse of Jimin and smiled, deciding she could use a break.

"Hey gum ball boy."

"Gum ball boy?" Jimin asked, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"Are you not a gum ball boy?"

"W-Well everybody is..."

"Not all." Yui smiled. She took a quick drink from her water bottle and Jimin joined her in front of the mirror. The worked together and gave advice when needed, critiquing each other's steps and smiling. Jimin naturally felt attached to this girl and he wanted so badly to see her gum. Partly because he was curious, but he also didn't want to get his hopes up to much and get too attached because what if she wasn't his soulmate? "You awake in there?" Yui asked, her snapping fingers bringing him back to reality.

"Y-Yeah I'm good, I just spaced out for a second."

"Got something on your mind?" She said, tilting her head to the side. Jimin bit his lip and looked to the side.

"Honestly?" He mumbled. "I want to see your gum."

"Because you're curious...?"

"Yeah. Not curious to smell it but curious as to why I already feel so close to you. I know nothing about you yet I feel like we're..."

"Soulmates." She chuckled.

"Yeah..." He whispered.

"Well Jimin, I'll tell you this. Never in my life have I chewed my gum ball."

"I-Is that even allowed?" He gasped. Yui shrugged.

"I dunno. But my point is that I don't know what it's supposed to smell like, so even if I knew what yours was I still wouldn't know if we're soulmates."

"So you don't want to find out...?"

"Why don't we just... let nature take its course. And that's not in the shape of a sphere."

"What's that supposed to mean...?"

"It means we hang. We become friends and if the universe wants more from us we go further."

"N-No gum balls?"

"No gum balls." She confirmed.

"B-But what if you aren't my soulmate?"

"Then I hope you'll keep me around as a good friend." She smiled. That alone had Jimin nodding his head, agreeing to these unusual terms.

"Okay. We can do this."

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