This was pain stored away inside of her, that she refused to show others. For other reasons, Kumiko resorted into different types of painful abuse to get her daughter ready for the life of a hero.

"A hero's pain shall never be shown." She would tell Himeko, "Make sure you smile each time you're hurt, never let them know how weak you are."

Kumiko would be the first to admit— but only to herself, how terribly she decided to raise her daughter. Which is why she was looking for redemption, in the form of her only granddaughter's future. She wasn't willing to let [____] ruin her life with romance and other non important things that could meddle with her hero training.

"In your future, Katsuki Bakugo, I see...Power. Ah, yes. I see a lot of strength, as well. Those things mean a lot to you, right boy? Worry not, your dream of becoming a great hero will come true.

However, you are at a loss, right now. You're experiencing emotions you rather not have. I don't blame you, being lovestruck could be an awful feeling, sometimes..."

"Tch." While Kumiko kept her eyes closed and her palm in front of Katsuki's face, he wore a grossed out expression at the blinking eye he kept staring at. 'Creepy as hell...It's moving, but I can't see where it's looking. There's nothing to it but the sclera.'

He was wrong on that part; Kumiko's third eye was actually a cloudy-white color and had no pupil or iris. Setting off the illusion that she had nowhere to look was just part of her power.

She saw everything, but would only say what she wants from it. "....Currently figuring out your emotions for my granddaughter, I shall assume?"

"What crack are you smoking, grams?! Cheeks isn't my type at all—!!"

"Eye candy, do your thing." She opened one of her real eyes to gesture Hideaki to say what was on the blond's mind.

"[____] is the only girl I'd give myself to. I don't know what love may feel like but I am sure that she is—"

"— HEY!! Stupid dog, stop getting into my head without my permission!!" Katsuki finally had enough of all the nonsense he was receiving and how Kaito could just say whatever he was thinking about from the back of his head at any time he'd please. "Just tell me what the fuck you people want from me, already!"

"I no longer wish to waste time as well as you, boy, so I will tell you: stay away from [____]." The girl's grandmother moved her hand out of the way and said.


"I understand your kind. You're used to all the praise you received growing up. You believe you are better than the rest, if not, most people your age. Your strong-will and stubbornness implies that you achieve your academic and psychical goals freely, to your taste. For that, I give you credit, young boy.

...But my granddaughter is naive, easy to manipulate and so simple minded that anyone can practically pass in her book as a fitting life partner. Because of this, she is not to be trusted with making decisions that will affect her hero training so seriously.

I am working my way around the world and other industries, searching for a man to marry her when she becomes of age, but until then...I wish for you to stay away from her, Katsuki Bakugo."

The blond took some time to process all of her words properly. 'She's looking to marry off cheeks..?! She's one of those people who think it's still alright to set others up without thinking about them, first. Fuck, that's annoying—

All of this is annoying...But even then, I can't picture cheeks being with anybody else that's not me. There's one out of the thousand reasons why I can't give her up.'

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