Katsuki raised an eyebrow at Monoma Neito, who was smirking all the way from a corner of the wall he was facing. "What do you want, extra?! Why don't you speak up?! I can barely hear you!!"

"What's that? I can't seem to understand where all that arrogance comes from— You are so insignificant that I cannot hear you!" Neito lied, he actually couldn't hear him because he was, in fact, purposely keeping a certain distance from Bakugo.

"Tch." Katsuki eyed the timer from the corner of his eye, two minutes and thirty three seconds left. "I have just enough time to kill you, if I hurry up."

"Such powerful words from a guy who will soon be trapped by the floor!" Unknown to him— Monoma's tactic was to stall the guy who won first place in the sports festival by mocking his ego while his partner, Honenuki Juzo, used his quirk to turn the pavement into moving dust.

'Quick sand?! Fucking shit!!'

Bakugo tried to move his feet a couple of times, which was obviously making it easier for him to sink in. "Arr..I'll kill you, both!!"

Neito gave him a smug look. "Kill us?! But you look so helpless right now. Twisting yourself and kicking like a child throwing a tantrum, even while knowing that with every move you make— The harder it gets to escape.

Ahahah, hey...You DO know that, don't you? Or are you an idiot, too blind sighted to see the obvious? Class B is catching up to you, Acers, and with each passing minute that— Uh?"

"Quit monologuing, Monoma!" Juzo rushed to be next to his partner and interrupt his provoking words to ask him something important. "I wonder if we can get by with this guy's quirk. He was using it to perforate a large space— Enough to pass through the walls without struggling. Should you copy it?"

"Eh? Are you mad? I'm not standing near the moving floor; unless we—" Neito stopped speaking as he noticed a bright light coming from thin air; it blinded the three students for a few seconds.

They heard two people grunt, but only saw one particular girl getting up from the floor. "Who is that? Did she come from the sky or something?"

"Who knows...It looks like she's fighting with no one."


The second time [____] punched Toru back; she more or less knew what she was doing.

The timer was on four minutes when she began to push the invisible girl into a portal in between their quarrel. She did this just so she could make some type of progress inside the labyrinth.

Toru was a good fighter. [____] hadn't taken the time to admire any of her movements, though, especially because she was using them against her and in a very violent way.

Kick after punch, after punch, after punch.

They were swift, powerful and most importantly— Invisible. [____] tried to make much of what she could to defend herself.

Portals; punch, grab and pull, portals again.

At some point, they both hit the ground thanks to a dislodged position of her gateways, which caused both of the girls to fall no more than five feet down from midair.

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