Chapter 117: Dame Un Beso

Start from the beginning

Cruz: I didn't know he was. Let's see. *scanning the computer* It says for the attempted murder of Chauncey Brown. Right now Chauncey is on life support. *whispering* Mena you are gonna need a good lawyer to get him out of this.

Erica: Trust I got one.

Battle: Hello Mena what's up?

Erica: We need to get Albee out of here.

Battle: Let me see what's going on.

Erica: Ok.

*They talked to Cruz while Battle went to check on Albee. About an hour later Battle came out and told Erica that they will let him go in the morning. They are dropping the charges but can't release him until tomorrow so Erica called everyone and told them that he will be release tomorrow. Erica asked Cruz could she see him for a few minutes Cruz said sure. They walked in the back and Albee came out looking like a true convict with all orange on and handcuffs around his wrists and ankles.*

Erica: Damn bruh. You are being released in the morning.

Albee: Thanks Mena. I thought no one would come.

Erica: We are family so I will always come. What are you doing in NY anyway?

Albee: I was coming to see someone.

Erica: Who?

Albee: When I get out of here I will introduce y'all.

Erica: Ok.

Cruz: Five more mins Mena is all I can spare.

Erica: Ok. Just don't do anything stupid and I will see you soon.

Albee: I got you Mena. *whispering* I will tell you what happened when I leave.

Erica: Ok. *kissing his cheek* I love you bruh.

Albee: I love you too sis.

*Erica left and told Cruz she will see him around. They left and went to Nena's house and the house was packed with people.*

Cyn: Why every time we come you pack this house with people?

Nena: Cause we don't see you often so we gotta see you all at once. Plus I gotta see my baby Erica.

Erica: Hey Nena.

Nena: Don't hey Nena me get your butt over here and give me some love.

Erica: *hugging and kissing Nena* What you been up too?

Nena: Just living sweetie. Now who are them other two young'uns cause I thought y'all had eight not ten.

Erica: If I get into double digits with kids shoot me. That's Carter and Jade which is King and MJ's boyfriend and girlfriend.

Nena: You new age parents are something else.

Erica: Take that up with your granddaughter cause I didn't want them dating but she always say something different.

Nena: That's cause Jennifer did that same dumb shit.

Jas: Holá Nena.

Nena: Holá cómo estas?

Jas: Muy bien y tú?

Nena: Muy bien. I didn't know they speak Spanish.

Erica: *smiling* We started teaching them last year and they catch on pretty fast. Big kids too.

Nena: That's nice to teach them their heritage.

Erica: I was mad at first cause it was a way for Cyn and I to communicate without them butting in but now we can't do that anymore.

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