Katsuki removed the other ear phone and disconnected them from his cell phone, swiftly handing them to Ei without looking at his face. "Keep them. Burn them. I don't want them."

"Awesome sauce. I got new earphones. Thanks, bro."

Bakugo rolled his eyes at his lingo; not interested in listening to anything else he had to say thanks to that. Though, as soon as Kirishima hid the electronic accessory in his pocket, his tone of voice changed to a much more serious one.

"You know...I'm glad we sat together, just now. Don't get me wrong, dude, I like Amachi but ever since she showed up, you've been acting sorta distant with me..."

"....What are you on about?" At that moment, Katsuki was suddenly glad none of his other friends were sitting nearby; they would of overheard their conversation and turn it into something else.

"Even though I'm happy that you found someone you're interested in, and you're about to experience all these new emotions..I kind of wish you and I had more time to spend, like before. Remember when I used to come over almost daily and we would just play video games or something?"

"We can still do that."

"I know, but it's just not the same." Eijiro laughed about it for a second. "Even if it actually is, right now...I feel like soon it wouldn't be. You get what I'm saying?"


"Hmmm... I don't know how to explain it...Well, dude. It's sort of like, before a woman gives birth, her private area.... is as tight as it'll be, right?

Even if they stitch her up, it'll never go back to the same tightness...Hey, now that I'm mentioning this, isn't it kind of sad to think about that?"

"What the fuck?! No. Who in their right mind would even think about this and say it with a straight face?! What's wrong with you?!"

"I gotta tell you something important, for starters...Then, maybe you'll understand it better."

"I doubt it—"

"Bakugo, I met someone."


'I can't believe Mina and the rest are sitting right behind us...If they listen, they'll definitely make this apology more awkward than it has to be...'

[____] kept focusing on the window panel beside her rather than her teammate, who kept pulling sweet snacks out of his school blazer and offering some to her.

"[____], do you like pocky?" Shoto, with a mouth almost full of fruity gummy bears, offered a chocolate covered biscuit stick to her by showing off its box closer to her face.

"I...do..." It was hard to say no to him, after feeling guilty about pointing out his scar and all; so [____] gave in and tried taking one out of the packaging.

Todoroki pulled the box away, "Let me feed it to you, instead."

"How??" In her mind, [____] couldn't imagine sharing such an intimate moment with someone she wasn't attracted to; But instead, she pictured Katsuki offering the chocolate-covered part of the stick by holding on to the end of it with his mouth.

The two of them, then, would eat it together until their lips meet.

'Like that...? No! I definitely can't do that with Todoroki! Oh?'

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