Jungkook (smut)

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"Where do you live?" He asked. "It's got to be close by, I know you walk home." And the fact that he had asked a very personal question didn't bother you at all.

"Next street over, white house with a blue fence." You told him immediately.

"Alright, I'll be there at eleven." He smirked and picked up his boxes, walking away much like every other day.

That night when you got home you headed down the hallway quickly after dinner and locked your door. You didn't know what Jungkook was after, but you were fine with anything.

You had never snuck out. The only thing your parents let you do was go to the arcade with your friends after school, other than that they had strict rules and an even more strict curfew. So when your mom came up to tell you goodnight and tried to open your locked door, you lied and said you were changing instead. She believed it- because you never lied, and told you goodnight through the door. And when it was exactly eleven you opened your window and hopped out, running quickly across the grass and to the fence in which you jumped over easily.

You saw a car at the end of the street and the door opened, and you could tell it was Jungkook even from far away. You walked towards him and he met you half way, then smiled and took your hand. You pushed away the suspenseful feeling that was pulsing through your veins and squeezed his warm hand firmly, letting him pull you towards his car.

"Where are we going?" You asked, hoping your nerves and excitement wasn't showing in your voice.

"It's a secret." When you got to the car Jungkook opened you door- well tried too. He tugged on the handle harshly, but it wouldn't budge. "Fuck." He cursed lowly. You absolutely loved how that word sounded when it came from his mouth but instead of melting over it you leaned down and cupped your hand against the cold glass of the window, peering inside. And right in the ignition the keys sat still teasingly. "I seriously locked my keys in my car."

And you laughed. A genuine, long and painful laugh like no other. "Well what now?" You asked, dabbing the side of your finger under your eyes to collect the happy tears without messing up the mascara you applied earlier.

"We walk to the arcade."

"It's eleven at night, it's closed." You chuckled, shaking your head. But the sound of jingling keys caught your attention and you looked towards the sound, seeing Jungkook dangle a set in front of him.

"I've got keys."

So you walked over to the arcade and he unlocked the back door and ushered you inside, shutting it behind you. It was dark, so dark that you could barely see, but it was enough for you to get a glimpse of the mischief in Jungkook's eyes. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you around in the dark until he pulled you down onto a booth, and you felt his warm side pressed firmly against yours. You sat there and stared at his eyes as they wandered over you, settling on your parted lips, and you swore you could already feel his kiss before his lips even touched yours.

And he kissed you there, in the arcade, late at night.


Every day after you lit his cigarette after school and snuck out your window you walked to the arcade and met him there. You learned that his older brother owned it and he helped out there everyday- that's how he had a set of keys. And while you were there you spilled your life to him, talked about school and your friends and your strict parents. He did the same. And he kissed you again, each time feeling just as euphoric as the last. He smelled so sweet and tasted like cigarette smoke and you couldn't get enough.

You knew Jungkook was bad for you the first time he asked you to try a cigarette, but you didn't care, you were addicted to him. And over the course of a few months you became so obsessed it's like you depended on him. You were a fool in love.

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