Chapter Seventy Four

Start from the beginning

I smiled as he told me his story as a child and closed my eyes as I felt myself warm once again. It was both a beautiful and cute story he was telling me and it left a lasting happy feeling of sensation.

I turned to him, "It must be why you can tell time well."

He nodded in response and glanced at me.

"It was kind of a given, from the amount of time I spent staring at the stars and watching the moon take its course. It was very similar to the sun so it kind of became second nature to always know the time."

I smiled at him and watched as his gaze suddenly grew darker. In the same sort of intensity that it held moments before which caused me to blush. I felt myself froze as suddenly the pain in my body disappeared and a tingly feeling filled my body and consumed me.

Slowly, he started to lean his head downwards towards me and my breath fell short. I watched as he hesitated as he got closer but felt my own head tilt slightly upwards.

Wait a re we going to kiss?

Suddenly, the light faded out and grew darker and simultaneously we pulled back quickly and glanced at the sky. The clouds had finally covered the moon.

Lucas coughed soundly from beside me and I quickly made sure to put even more distance between us. He sat up and glanced at me quickly as he grabbed his bag from beside him.

"We have to go, now."

I nodded and grabbed my own and slung it over my shoulders. 

I almost fell over when I stood due to my weak legs and aching back from lying all day. But it was when Lucas's arm jotted out and quickly grabbed me that I did not fall.

I turned to thank him but he quickly pulled his hand back and I briefly saw a blush rise on his cheeks.

I felt shock grow in me and I was about to comment on it but he looked to the sky where the moon was and said, "We need to be quick, its about three am, the sun is going to be rising at four, so we have less than an hour."

He glanced at the distance of land between where we were and the hill further out, squinting and barely seeing it.

"That's going to take us at least an hour to cross and that is without going up the hill. This is too close."

I gulped.

"Yeah, I don't like these odds."

He rolled his eyes, "Suck it up, Princess, it's now or never."

I sent him a quick playful glare before we started off at a slow jog. The next forty minutes was one of the worst experiences I ever had.

Trudging along sand was hard enough let alone running across it. We were lucky with the cover of the clouds but were not lucky enough to have more time. It was going to take a miracle to make it out alive.

The sweat that perspired from my skin quickly froze from the cold chill of the night that made me shiver to the bones and I felt fear rise as time passed quick yet the hill seemed to be further and further away.

We ran as quietly as we could trying not to draw attention to ourselves as we moved at a quick pace. I tried to spread my running out so I was not as tired because even though we might be lucky enough to make it to the hill before sunrise, that was the least to our problems.

As soon as the sun rose we would be seen and will still have difficulty going up the hill. There was also the problem where we did not know what was on the other side above it and could be running into a trap, not like we were not already in one.

Her Only Chance (UNEDITED, NEW ONE ON PROFILE)Where stories live. Discover now