Chapter Sixty Two

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Hey guys, hope you are all keeping well and safe, especially against the Corona Virus. I know these are hard times but we have to make do with what is happening. Here I have the next chapter for you guys!!! I was lucky enough to finish all my work for the day and had time to write this chapter for you guys!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Sixty Two:

"This chicken is so good," grunted Jarvis between bites of his food.

I murmured my agreement as I bit a large chunk out of the fleshy meat on my fork. The chicken was beautifully roasted and the flavouring was mouth watering. I momentarily closed my eyes in bliss as I savoured the taste.

"Try it with the mash, topped with gravy," commented Logan as he ate a mouthful. "Best thing I have tasted.

We all proceeded to try this and simultaneously groaned. My taste buds have never tasted anything better than this.

The meals the Resdue would make during dinner was always to die for, but nothing was even remotely close to this. After a long day of working out in the weights room again, it felt amazing to sit down in the magnificent dining hall and eat they delicious meals.

However, tonight's basic serving on roasted chicken, mash potato, caramelised onions and gravy from the chickens juices was the best meal I ever had. It made me wonder why tonight's meal was made with such delicacy and made me feel like I was eating at a top rated restaurant.

It did not take long to find out.

I felt a nudge beside me and turned to find Lucas staring at me with a smile. "You got something there."

He smirked as he stared at the spot beside my lips, and could faintly feel a substance sitting there. Immediately, I ducked my head and wiped at my mouth as he let out a warm laugh that made me feel slightly embarrassed.

After quickly wiping it away to find it to be gravy, I continued eating, ignoring Lucas's comments.

"What's wrong?" He teased mischievously.

My only response was a glare sent his way as he began to laugh with Logan and Jarvis. Suddenly, Logan grunted and glared at the person across from him as he seemed to rub his leg.


From beside me, across from Logan, sat Lucy as she smiled proudly of herself. My best guess was that she had kicked Logan in the shin and smiled as Lucy smiled cockily and Logan pouted.

"Oops, foot must have slipped," no one believed her, even before she sent a wink my way. "No one messes with us girls."

She then let out a laugh that was like music to our ears. I did not understand how her laugh sounded musically and fit perfectly whereas my own laugh sounded like I was gasping for breath and was dying. I felt a little envious towards her that she had a nice laugh.

"That's right," I smirked joining in on the fun and leaning back on my chair.

Jarvis hooted a single laughter before looking me dead in the eye. "Cute, you think you are untouchable."

Her Only Chance (UNEDITED, NEW ONE ON PROFILE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora